React Components简单概况

Understanding React Components

Understanding how props and state work it is important. Component lifecycle is the third bigger concept you'll want to understand well. We already touched it above,but it's a good idea to understand it in more detail. You can achieve most tasks in React by applying these concepts throughout your application.

To quote the official documentation React provides the following React.createClass specific component specifications:

displayName - It is preferable to set displayName as that will improve debug information. For ES6 classes this is derived automatically based on the class name.
getInitialState() - In class based approach the same can be achieved through constructor.
getDefaultProps() - In classes you can set these in constructor.
propTypes - As seen above,you can use Flow to deal with prop types. In React.createClass you would build a complex looking declaration as seen in the propType documentation.
mixins - mixins contains an array of mixins to apply to component.
statics - statics contains static properties and method for a component. In ES6 you would assign them to the class like below:

class Note {
  render() {

Note.willTransitionTo = () => {...};

export default Note;

Some libraries such as react-dnd rely on static methods to provide transition hooks. They allow you to control what happens when a component is shown or hidden. By definition statics are available through the class itself.

Both component types support render(). As seen above,this is the workhorse of React. It describes what the component should look like. In case you don't want to render anything return either null or false.

In addition,React provides the following lifecycle hooks:

componentWillMount() gets triggered once before any rendering. One way to use it would be to load data asynchronously there and force rendering through setState.
componentDidMount() gets triggered after initial rendering. You have access to the DOM here. You could use this hook to wrap a jQuery plugin within a component for instance.
componentWillReceiveProps(object nextProps) triggers when the component receives new props. You could,for instance,modify your component state based on the received props.
shouldComponentUpdate(object nextProps,object nextState) allows you to optimize the rendering. If you check the props and state and see that there's no need to update,return false.
componentWillUpdate(object nextProps,object nextState) gets triggered after shouldComponentUpdate and before render(). It is not possible to use setState here,but you can set class properties for instance.
componentDidUpdate is triggered after rendering. You can modify the DOM here. This can be useful for adapting other code to work with React.
componentWillUnmount is triggered just before a component is unmounted from the DOM. This is the ideal place to perform cleanup (e.g.,remove running timers,custom DOM elements and so on).


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