但是这样设置之后,还是会生成其它分辨率的缩略图,笔者猜测应该是主题的问题,于是就去主题内查找,笔者用的主题是themolio。后来在主题文件的functions.PHP中找到了这样的代码:/* Make Themolio available for translation. * Translations can be added to the /languages/ directory. * If you're building a theme based on Themolio,use a find and replace * to change 'themolio' to the name of your theme in all the template files. */ load_theme_textdomain('themolio',get_template_directory().'/languages' ); add_editor_style(); add_theme_support('automatic-Feed-links'); add_theme_support('post-thumbnails');
/** * This sets up the image size for the grid based top-down layouts (with no sidebar). * If you change the width/height of your content, * you will have to modify the width and height mentioned below as well */ add_image_size('themolio-two-col-grid-image-nosidebar',460,300,true); add_image_size('themolio-three-col-grid-image-nosidebar',290,200,true); add_image_size('themolio-four-col-grid-image-nosidebar',210,150,true);
/** * This sets up the image size for the grid based top-down layouts (with sidebar). * If you change the width/height of your content, * you will have to modify the width and height mentioned below as well */ add_image_size('themolio-two-col-grid-image-sidebar',356,250,true); add_image_size('themolio-three-col-grid-image-sidebar',230,true); add_image_size('themolio-four-col-grid-image-sidebar',171,110,true);
/** * This sets up the image size for the featured image. * If you change the width/height of your content, * you will have to modify the width and height mentioned below as well */ add_image_size('themolio-featured-image',800,true);
register_nav_menu('primary',__('Primary Menu','themolio'));
if(themolio_is_wp_version('3.4')) { add_theme_support('custom-background'); } else { add_custom_background(); }}
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