显然,这将与卸载的特定功能有很大不同,所以我很好奇是否有任何与我应该担心的特定功能没有直接关系的问题 – Windows安装程序在重新启动之前是否仍处于奇怪的未完成状态,这是否会影响安装其他功能(与卸载的功能无关的功能).
If I use dism or remove-windowsfeature to uninstall a windows role or feature and it tells me it needs to reboot what problems Could I run into if I wait a long time to reboot?
“There are several applications,such as service packs and hotfixes,
that must replace a file that’s in use and is unable to. Windows
therefore provides the MoveFileEx API to rename or delete a file and
allows the caller to specify that they want the operation to take
place the next time the system boots,before the files are referenced.
Session Manager performs this task by reading the registered rename
and delete commands from the
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
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