JMyCarousel is a free, highly customizable, non obstrusive image carousel. It has been created to suit a maximum of needs. It enables to display a list
It generically adds the toggle checkbox function to any table rows you specify based on the css class names.
Allow to show unobtrusive TreeMaps on your site starting from datas in a simple HTML table or from other sources too.
Have your images slide in from the left or right and bounce. Animation sliding.
String lambdas are cool because they allow us to write less software. However, string lamdas were removed from jQuery in release 1.2.3 because of
A jQuery plugin for displaying a favicon on an external link.
The jQuery Form’n’Field plug-in read and writes form data in a typed way. Handles initial values, dirty state, field validation.
“More”/”less” style truncation. Handles HTML gracefully: doesn’t split inside HTML entities, doesn’t orphan end-tags and so on.
Easy to use select replacement, suports AJAX and dinamic content. Remplazo para selects muy facil de utilizar, soporta Ajax y contenido
It uses Boo-Box.com API to search for products defined by the user and show them in a UL list.
Animated Hover provides animated transitions between hovered items for any jQuery project. Requires jQuery 1.2+ and Dimensions
Set the values of a select element based on the user’s choice of the source select element. Binds a change event to the source select element and
graphTable provides the ability to graph the data in a simple HTML table using flot. Usage: $(\'#myTable\').graphTable({series:\'columns\'});
This plugin is a jQuery extension that is capable of inspecting javascript objects, and using Javascript objects to populate html templates. This allows
hSlides is an horizontal accordion navigation, sliding the panels around to reveal one of interest.
The FullHTML plugin allows you to access the HTML code of an element, including the element itself. This plugin is read-only - you cannot set
jQuery 1.2.x series LavaLamp plugin LavaLamp is a plugin based on Guillermo Rauch and Ganesh Marwaha’s previous plugins for mootools
txt2img replaces a text inside an element with the correspondent image with that text.
Embedding Flash with flashembed.js flashembed is a javascript tool that you can use to embed Flash objects to
The is rpc(remote procedure call) client implementation based on JQuery. It creates an rpc object and adds ability to call them. It supports both xml and