Share your page with any number of bookmarking sites. Features include: Full and compact versions. Customisable list of sites.
hoverAnim make an animation on over, and return to the original position on out.
Fr : ImgChk est une extension permettant d’utiliser des images pour les checkbox.En : ImgChk is an extension allow you to use image for checkbox.
Transform a set of images into a Mac-like Dock menu, horizontal or vertical, with icons that expand on rollover, and optional labels.
AsyncUploader is a way for webdevelopers who use jQuery, to implement aynchronous uploading to their sites. This is done in three easy steps.
This is a jQuery implementation of SOAP Client and it is based on another jQuery plug-in called xmlObjectifier.
Based on the fade anything plugin, I wanted something a little more robust. This plugin accepts a javascript array of parameter objects.
ppDrag is a Drag&Drop plugin forjQuery, which mimics the interface of jQuery UI‘sDraggable. Currently supported is a
Drop Down Panel adds a pull down panel to the top of your page that contains external content fetched via Ajax. Visitors click on the protruding button to
xModify is an XML syntax that can be used to update HTML elements declaratively. This means that developers can utilize server-side frameworks
Makes an element vibrate. Users can set duration, frequency, spread etc. $(‘#my-annoying-ad’).vibrate();
A plugin to generate function calls to plugins. Integrates string templates, and JSON descriptions.
A visual information bubble effect, as per the Coda web site. Information will “puff” upwards, and when the mouse moves away, “puffs” away
Sometimes deep inside a DOM traversing chain you need a reference to plain current jQuery object. My extremely simple plugin allows you in such cases to
This plugin get the query string appended in url in a easy way, like a GET in a server side language Example
Adds numbers to definition-descriptions (dd) if there are more than one for a term (dt). Use it like: $.numericDLs();
A horizontal expandable menu with unlimited sub-menus, built on unordered lists.
$(“#col1, #col2”).equalizeCols(); will equalize the columns as expected $(“#col1, #col2”).equalizeCols(“p,p”);
This small plugin/class can easily parse a string, and generate different kind of tokens. It’s very simple and straight-forward. It can perform as a base for other
This plugin extends the jQuery() class with .placehold() method, which is effective for text inputs and treats the default value those inputs have in