jQuery + Adobe Flash integration plugin

程序名称:jQuery + Adobe Flash integration plugin

授权协议: 未知

操作系统: 跨平台

开发语言: JavaScript

jQuery + Adobe Flash integration plugin 介绍

Embedding Flash with flashembed.js

flashembed is a javascript tool that you can use to embed Flash objects to
you website. There are other tools for embedding flash objects but none of
them offers the same flexibility and ease of use as this one.


  • Easy to use. Other Flash embedding tools can be hard to understand and use. You need to read loads of documentation for achieving a very simple task. This tool takes only 1 to 3 arguments and thats it.
  • JSON configuration. Today many flash objects are configured with lot’s of parameters and many of those parameters are complex JSON objects. This plugin enables to supply JSON configurations directly to your Flash object. You don’t need to hazzle with complex strings and character escapes. In fact this was the main reason for developing this plugin.
  • Alternate content. This plugin offers the easiest way to handle users with old Flash versions or users that do not have flash at all. You have following choises

    1. Default behaviour is to replace alternate content with flash if user has required flash version.
    2. You setup express install to upgrade Flash on the fly.
    3. You can configure you own onFail method that can generate content dynamically. You may even want to set up alternate browser instead of Flash.
    4. If you are too lazy to configure anything you can let this tool to show default message which is actually very informational. User will see a message informing about required player version and a direct link to correct download page.
    5. jQuery support. jQuery is no longer required but is very well supported. If you have many Flash objects on your site (such as sifr objects) jQuery is an ideal tool for “flash-enabling” them. It has native query language for finding elements and this plugin can replace those elements with Flash. jQuery is not required sot this tool can also work without it.
    6. flexible API access. After you have placed your Flash object to the page you’ll instantly have the handle to the Flash object’s programming interface (API) if such is profided.
    7. Size. Althought rich in features this plugin weights a ridiculous 4.1 kb when packed.


// without jQuery: replace first argument with flash
flashembed( element , { parameters } , {configuration} );

// with jQuery: replace selected jQuery objects with flash
$(” selector “).flashembed({ parameters } , {configuration} );

jQuery + Adobe Flash integration plugin 官网


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多功能下拉选择插件 SelectPage 简洁而强大的下拉分页选择器;支持远程数据(AJAX)、
AutoComplete 是一个 jQuery Mobile 的插件,用于实现在 jQuery Mobile 中的搜索框中提供自动完成的功能。
Combogrid 是一个jQuery插件用于为输入框添加高级自完成功能(auto- complete)。当用户输入的时候,会在输入框的下方面动态显示一个拥有分页功能的表格(Grid)控件。
Link Scraper TextBox 是一个文本框的扩展插件,当你输入一个 URL 时,就会在输入框下方显示该 URL 地址对应的网页标题。
Awesomplete 超小超好用的超漂亮的 autocomplete 框架并且对其它框架零依赖 gzip 压缩后只有2kb
jQuery.autocomplete 是另外一款在文本框中实现自动完成的jQuery插件。 在线演示:http://mabp.kiev.ua/content/source/autocomplete/autocomplete.html
简洁、易用、多样的菜单解决方案 状态 入门指南、DEMO、文档 插件官方首页(入门指南、DEMO、文档):
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery jQuery 的自动补全组件,支持 Ajax 获取远程数据,支持数据分组显示。
这是一个用来在文本输入框中实现自动完成的jQuery插件。 主要的功能有: 使用和配置简单;
Easily build your own simple or complex autocomplete systems, or use standalone.
TextExt 是一个 jQuery 插件,提供对文本输入框的功能扩展,可实现自动完成、标签输入、ajax和过滤功能。
At.js 是一个Twitter / Weibo样式的@自动完成插件。Demo演示 功能特性: 可以监听任何字符,不仅仅只是’@‘,可以设置监听不同的字符和使用不同的数据。
马可波罗(Marco Polo),一个为独具慧眼的开发人员准备的jQuery自动补齐插件。
看看上面的截图,你能明白该插件的用途了吗?当你在编辑框中输入 @xxx 的时候就会触发 Ajax
这是一个在文本输入框中实现自动完成的jQuery插件。 本站采用了该插件。 使用代码示例:
A full featured autocompleter that’s easy to use. It uses caching to produce lightning speeds and to limit server requests.
DevBridge Ajax Autocomplete 是一个实现了文本输入框的自动完成输入的插件。支持大多数浏览器,要求至少 IE 7+
jqac (jQuery Auto Complete) 是一个实现了编辑框输入自动完成的jQuery插件。 在线演示