
1. Why Tensorflow

  1. key idea:

    • For a framework to be useful in production:

      it needs to be efficient, scalable, and maintainable.

    • For research:

      the framework needs to have flexible operations that can be combined in novel ways.

    Alternative frameworks are either flexible enough for research but less scalable, such as Chainer and PyTorch, or scalable but less flexible, such as Caffe and MXNet. TensorFlow is both flexible and scalable, allowing users to streamline from research into production.

  2. summary:
    • Python API
    • Portability: deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API
    • Flexibility: from Raspberry Pi, Android, Windows, iOS, Linux to server farms
    • Visualization (TensorBoard is da bomb)
    • Save and restore models, graphs
    • Auto-differentiation autodiff (no more taking derivatives by hand. Yay)
    • Large community (~300k commits, ~85k repositories)
    • Awesome projects already using TensorFlow

2. Some cool projects using Tensorflow

  1. WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio (DeepMind, 2016)
  2. Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks (Esteva, Kuprel, et al., Nature 2017)
  3. Magenta( (Google)

3. High level APIs on top of TensorFlow

  1. Keras, TFLearn, and Sonnet

  2. But

    However, the primary purpose of TensorFlow is not to provide out-of-the-box machine learning solutions. Instead, TensorFlow provides an extensive suite of functions and classes that allow users to define models from scratch. This is more complicated, but offers much more flexibility. You can build almost any architecture you can think of in TensorFlow.

4. Resources

We won’t be using any textbook for this class. The library is changing so fast that it’s hard for any book to keep up. We will be using mainly lecture notes and lecture slides. There are several resources that you might want to refer to become fluent in TensorFlow.

The official documentations

TensorFlow official sample models

StackOverflow should be your first port of call should you run into any problem with TensorFlow

There are also several introductory books on TensorFlow.

  • Aurélien Géron’s Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (O’Reilly, March 2017)
  • François Chollet’s Deep Learning with Python (Manning Publications, November 2017)
  • Nishant Shukla’s Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Manning Publications, January 2018)
  • Lieder et al.’s Learning TensorFlow A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems (O’Reilly, August 2017)

5. TensorFlow Basics

The first thing we need to understand about TensorFlow is its computation graph approach. Any TensorFlow program consists of two phases:

Phase 1: assemble a graph

Phase 2: use a session to execute operations in the graph.

Note that this might change in the future with TensorFlow’s eager mode, currently experimental.


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tensorflow中用法方法用于执行训练过程训练集的输入特征,训练集的标签,batch_size,#每一个batch的大小epochs,#迭代次数validation_data=(测试集的输入特征, 目录1、查看GPU的数量2、设置GPU加速3、单GPU模拟多GPU环境1、查看GPU的数量importtensorflowastf#查看gpu和cpu的数量gpus=tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices(device_type='GPU')cpus=tf.c
首先要下载python3.6:接着下载:numpy-1.13.0-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl 安装这两个:安装python3.6成功,接着安装numpy.接着安装tensorflow: 最后测试一下: python3.6+tensorflow安装完毕,高深的AI就等着你去
 1)登录需要一个 invitationcode,申请完等邮件吧,大概要3-5个小时;2)界面3)配置数据集,在右边列设置 
 首先声明参考博客:实践过程主线参考这篇博客,相应地方进行了变通。接下来记载我的实践过程。  一、GPU版的TensorFlow的安装准备工作:笔者电脑是Windows10企业版操作系统,在这之前已
1.tensorflow安装  进入AnacondaPrompt(windows10下按windows键可找到)a.切换到创建好的tensorflow36环境下:activatetensorflow36    b.安装tensorflow:pipinstlltensorflow    c.测试环境是否安装好       看到已经打印出了"h
tf.zeros函数tf.zeros(shape,dtype=tf.float32,name=None)定义在:tensorflow/python/ops/创建一个所有元素都设置为零的张量. 该操作返回一个带有形状shape的类型为dtype张量,并且所有元素都设为零.例如:tf.zeros([3,4],tf.int32)#[[0,0,
一、Tensorflow基本概念1、使用图(graphs)来表示计算任务,用于搭建神经网络的计算过程,但其只搭建网络,不计算2、在被称之为会话(Session)的上下文(context)中执行图3、使用张量(tensor)表示数据,用“阶”表示张量的维度。关于这一点需要展开一下       0阶张量称