This is a fairly simple jQuery plugin that replaces a single text input with a set of pulldown menus to select hour, minute, and am/pm. Minute selections are
Small plugin for read the Daily Dilbert Strip without flash widget.
Esta função é similar a sprintf, porém mais simples. /* * s = \"The %1 want %2\"; * a,b... = args * BindVar(s,a,b) -> The a want b
Plugin to add a table of contents to a page using jQuery, featuring: the ability to select via selectors exactly which elements would be included (i.e., #content h2 instead of just h2)
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to bind your Javascript objects to jQuery events, then BindO is just for you. BindO is a jQuery plugin that makes
It is a Simple Tree, that is designed using javascript and html. It has expand and collapse fecilities. You can add the values to the node and remove the
imgFrame is my first jQuery-proyect based from a flash web site. imgFrame function create a float div-frame around image each time the mouse
Tree Structure that you can easily create by entering the values in text box and add in tree formate. It just uses the simple js file and small html file
Super-sexy animated calendar datepicker for multi-day selection with multi- month display. Allows for a sequence of months to reside side by side and for
What is this ? This plugin aims to be a collection of snippets that improve accessibility for websites.
The function of this plugin is to shuffle the children of the selected elements into random order, it is non-recursive for this very first version.
jQuery plugin by www.Mukuru.com in order to convert html form drop down into div menu. So even without javascript
This plugin, applied to a number of HTML tables, provides the behaviour of resizing their columns by dragging or double-clicking a “handler hint”
Use this plug-in on an input[type=”text”] and it will display search-results based on the input’s contents on key-up.
jQuery Reverse Order uses jQuery to reverse the order of DOM elements on your page. To use jQuery Reverse Order on your site or blog, just follow these simple
Replaces param: function() {} in jQuery so multi-dimensional objects/arrays can be sent for $.post and other ajax queries. Useful for php
Autotab提供智能auto- tabbing和过滤文本字段在表单上。简而言之:一旦你输入的最大字符数在一个文本字段,你会自动关注下一个定义的文本字段。目标文本字段定义,以及定义之前的文本字段。还包括一个过滤器,可以格式
jQuery Flickr plug-in is a JavaScript interface for Flickr Services API written on top of the jQuery library. It’s function is to process a Flickr API
This plugin offers the ability to auto fill form. If the first parameter is an URL, the plugin will fetch the returned JSON
jFlow is a widget to make your content slides. One popular alternative that exists out there is coda-slider. jFlow is super lightweight because it is only