正则表达式 – 在50,000个HTML页面中查找电话号码


Jeff Attwood posted 5 Questions for programmers applying for jobs:

In an effort to make life simpler for phone screeners,I’ve put together
this list of Five Essential Questions
that you need to ask during an SDE
screen. They won’t guarantee that your
candidate will be great,but they will
help eliminate a huge number of
candidates who are slipping through
our process today.

1) Coding The candidate has to write
some simple code,with correct syntax,
in C,C++,or Java.

2) OO design The candidate has to
define basic OO concepts,and come up
with classes to model a simple

3) Scripting and regexes The
candidate has to describe how to find
the phone numbers in 50,000 HTML

4) Data structures The candidate has
to demonstrate basic knowledge of the
most common data structures.

5) Bits and bytes The candidate has
to answer simple questions about bits,
bytes,and binary numbers.

Please understand: what I’m looking
for here is a total vacuum in one of
these areas. It’s OK if they struggle
a little and then figure it out. It’s
OK if they need some minor hints or
prompting. I don’t mind if they’re
rusty or slow. What you’re looking for
is candidates who are utterly
clueless,or horribly confused,about
the area in question.


注意:Steve Yegge最初提出了这个问题。

egrep "(([0-9]{1,2}.)?[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{4})" . -R --include='*.html'

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var reg = /^0\.[1-9]{0,2}$/;var linka = 0.1;console.log (reg.test (linka)); 0到1两位小数正则 ^(0\.(0[1-9]|[1-9]{1,2}|[1-9]0)$)|^1$ 不含0、0.0、0.00 // 验证是否是[1-10
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js输入验证是否为空、是否为null、是否都是空格 目录 1.截头去尾 trim 2.截头去尾 会去掉开始和结束的空格,类似于trim 3.会去掉所有的空格,包括开始,结束,中间 1.截头去尾 trim str=str.trim(); // 强烈推荐 最常用、最实用 or $.trim(str);
正则表达式语法大全 字符串.match(正则):返回符合的字符串,若不满足返回null 字符串.search(正则):返回搜索到的位置,若非一个字符,则返回第一个字母的下标,若不匹配则返回-1 字符串.replace(正则,新的字符串):找到符合正则的内容并替换 正则.test(字符串):在字符串中
正整数正则表达式正数的正则表达式(包括0,小数保留两位): ^((0{1}.\d{1,2})|([1-9]\d.{1}\d{1,2})|([1-9]+\d)|0)$正数的正则表达式(不包括0,小数保留两位): ^((0{1}.\d{1,2})|([1-9]\d.{1}\d{1,2})|([1-9]+
JS 正则验证 test() /*用途:检查输入手机号码是否正确输入:s:字符串返回:如果通过验证返回true,否则返回false /function checkMobile(s){var regu =/[1][3][0-9]{9}$/;var re = new RegExp(regu);if (r
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文章浏览阅读106次。这篇文章主要介绍了最实用的正则表达式整理,比如校验邮箱的正则,号码相关,数字相关等等,本文给大家列举的比较多,需要的朋友可以参考下。_/^(?:[1-9]d*)$/ 手机号
文章浏览阅读1.2k次。4、匹配中的==、an==、== an9、i9 == "9i"和99p==请注意下面这部分的作用,它在匹配中间内容的时候排除了说明:当html字符串如下时,可以匹配到两处,表示匹配的字符串不包含and且不包含空白字符。说明:在上面的正则表达式中,_gvim正则表达式匹配不包含某个字符串
文章浏览阅读897次。【代码】正则表达式匹配a标签的href。_auto.js 正则匹配herf