ClickHouse 读"写"分离

写隔离 ,因为ClickHouse 都是本地表写入,所有用户通过system.clusters 来设计不同的写入规则即可


Row 1:
cluster:                 test_cluster_two_shards
shard_num:               1
shard_weight:            1
replica_num:             1
port:                    9000
is_local:                1
user:                    default
errors_count:            0
slowdowns_count:         0
estimated_recovery_time: 0
Row 2:
cluster:                 test_cluster_two_shards
shard_num:               2
shard_weight:            1
replica_num:             1
port:                    9000
is_local:                0
user:                    default
errors_count:            0
slowdowns_count:         0
estimated_recovery_time: 0

一 基础知识

1 load_balancing

Specifies the algorithm of replicas selection that is used for distributed query processing.

ClickHouse supports the following algorithms of choosing replicas:

See also:

Random (by Default)
load_balancing = random

The number of errors is counted for each replica. The query is sent to the replica with the fewest errors, and if there are several of these, to anyone of them. Disadvantages: Server proximity is not accounted for; if the replicas have different data, you will also get different data.

Nearest Hostname
load_balancing = nearest_hostname

The number of errors is counted for each replica. Every 5 minutes, the number of errors is integrally divided by 2. Thus, the number of errors is calculated for a recent time with exponential smoothing. If there is one replica with a minimal number of errors (i.e. errors occurred recently on the other replicas), the query is sent to it. If there are multiple replicas with the same minimal number of errors, the query is sent to the replica with a hostname that is most similar to the server’s hostname in the config file (for the number of different characters in identical positions, up to the minimum length of both hostnames).

For instance, example01-01-1 and example01-01-2 are different in one position, while example01-01-1 and example01-02-2 differ in two places. This method might seem primitive, but it does not require external data about network topology, and it does not compare IP addresses, which would be complicated for our IPv6 addresses.

Thus, if there are equivalent replicas, the closest one by name is preferred. We can also assume that when sending a query to the same server, in the absence of failures, a distributed query will also go to the same servers. So even if different data is placed on the replicas, the query will return mostly the same results.

In Order
load_balancing = in_order

Replicas with the same number of errors are accessed in the same order as they are specified in the configuration. This method is appropriate when you know exactly which replica is preferable.

First or Random
load_balancing = first_or_random

This algorithm chooses the first replica in the set or a random replica if the first is unavailable. It’s effective in cross-replication topology setups, but useless in other configurations.

The first_or_random algorithm solves the problem of the in_order algorithm. With in_order, if one replica goes down, the next one gets a double load while the remaining replicas handle the usual amount of traffic. When using the first_or_random algorithm, the load is evenly distributed among replicas that are still available.

It's possible to explicitly define what the first replica is by using the setting load_balancing_first_offset. This gives more control to rebalance query workloads among replicas.

Round Robin
load_balancing = round_robin

This algorithm uses a round-robin policy across replicas with the same number of errors (only the queries with round_robin policy is accounted).

2 distributed_replica_max_ignored_errors

  • Type: unsigned int
  • Default value: 0

The number of errors that will be ignored while choosing replicas (according to load_balancing algorithm).

See also:

3 priority

            <!-- Optional. Shard weight when writing data. Default: 1. -->
            <!-- Optional. Whether to write data to just one of the replicas. Default: false (write data to all replicas). -->
                <!-- Optional. Priority of the replica for load balancing (see also load_balancing setting). Default: 1 (less value has more priority). -->

4 load_balancing in users.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <profiles replace="replace">

5 load_balancing in metrika.xml

            <replica_list load_balancing="first_or_random">

6 vcluster


7 Replicated + mutli cdw cluster + auxiliary_zookeepers

CREATE TABLE table_name
    EventDate DateTime,
    CounterID UInt32,
    UserID UInt32
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{layer}-{shard}/table_name', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)

二 方案

1 priority

查询弱隔离 调整 不同 replica priority 即可

            <!-- Optional. Shard weight when writing data. Default: 1. -->
            <!-- Optional. Whether to write data to just one of the replicas. Default: false (write data to all replicas). -->
                <!-- Optional. Priority of the replica for load balancing (see also load_balancing setting). Default: 1 (less value has more priority). -->

2 user.xml load_balancing

查询强隔离 可设置到不同 profile 粒度, 设置 first_or_random

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <profiles replace="replace">

3 metika.xml load_balancing

        <replica_list load_balancing="first_or_random">

4 vcluster





5 multi cluster

Cluster 1 + Cluster2 + auxiliary_zookeepers

On shard use on zookeeper


6 其他



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