SQL Server Error: No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe

登录sql Server 2005时可能碰到错误: 'No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe'。解决方法

(1)Open up sql Server Suraface Area Configuration tool by clicking

Start > Microsoft sql Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > sql Server Suraface Area Configuration
(2)Click the Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections link at the bottom of the window.
(3)In the View By Instance pane on the left, expand the node for the sql Server that is giving you the error, and
click the Database Engine > Service > Remote Connections.


(4)In the setting for the Remote Connections, click the Local and Remote Connections option.
Now click the Using both TCP/IP and named pipes option and click OK.
You will be prompted to restart your Database Server for the changes to take effect. Do that.
Once you restart your Database Server, you should be able to login to the sql Server database successfully !


 No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe



Named Pipes Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.

Microsoft sql Native Client : Communication link failure.

Microsoft sql Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to sql Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings sql Server does not allow remote connections.


Cause Resolution

The client is attempting to connect using named pipes, and the server is not configured to allow remote connections using named pipes.

Connect using TCP/IP, or use the Surface Area Configuration tool to enable remote connections using named pipes.

The client protocol order is attempting to connect with the named pipes protocol before trying the TCP protocol, and named pipes are not enabled on the server.

Using sql Server Configuration Manager on the client computer, move TCP before named pipes in the protocol order list.

from:  http://theshiva.us/technicalblog/archive/2006/12/20/solution-fix-no-process-is-on-the-other-end-of-the-pipe-error-sql-server-2005.aspx
from:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175496.aspx

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SELECT a.*,b.dp_name,c.pa_name,fm_name=(CASE WHEN a.fm_no='LJCG001H' THEN dbo.ELTPNAME(a.fw_nu) ELSE d.fm_name END),e.fw_state_nm,f.fw_rmk_nm
if not exists(select name from syscolumns where name='tod_no' and id=object_id('iebo09d12')) alter table iebo09d12 add tod_no varchar(
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要在 SQL Server 2019 中设置定时自动重启,可以使用 Windows 任务计划程序。下面是详细的步骤: 步骤一:创建批处理文件 打开记事本。 输入以下内容: net stop "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" net start "SQ
您收到的错误消息表明数据库 'EastRiver' 的事务日志已满,导致数据库操作失败。要解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 备份事务日志首先,备份事务日志以释放空间: BACKUP LOG [EastRiver] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\East
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命令: ALTER TABLE 表名 add 列名 数据类型 default 默认值 not null 例如: ALTER TABLE LJEL005H add el_req int default 15 not null
declare @i int set @i=340 while @i<415 begin set @i=@iʱ insert into LJWK007H select '2024','28','9110','3PTSD621000000
alter table LJSU002H add default (0) for su_totalamt with values
命令: 有默认值时用:alter table 表名 DROP 约束 alter table 表名 DROP COLUMN 列名 例如: alter table LJEL005H DROP COLUMN el_req 注意: 如果有默认值先删除约束,否则报错: --消息 5074,级别 16,状态 1
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SQL SERVER根据数据表的某个栏位查询另一个数据表符合条件的某个栏位的值,如果多行则合并为一张字符串形式 要在 SQL Server 中根据一个数据表的某个列查询另一个数据表符合条件的某个列的值,并将多行结果合并为一个字符串,可以使用 FOR XML PATH 子句来执行此操作。以下是一个示例
select top 100 substring(qr_code,8,8) ,* from [LiuJun_PKh_lcfc_hf] --where right(ri,8) or substring(qr_code,8,8)=. select top 10 left(right(one_code,1
1、发现事务日志备份突然停止了 2、查看维护计划中的事务日志设置 3、发现备份任务中,事务日志需要指向的数据库不在 4、进入数据库属性 5、在选项中将恢复模式改为“完整”
select DB_ID('SBTERPDB')
您收到的错误消息表明数据库 'EastRiver' 的事务日志已满,导致数据库操作失败。要解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 备份事务日志首先,备份事务日志以释放空间: BACKUP LOG [EastRiver] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\East