GitLab Extension for Visual Studio HomePageBUG And IssuesThanks Visual Studio的GitLab扩展

程序名称:GitLab Extension for Visual Studio HomePageBUG And IssuesThanks

授权协议: MIT

操作系统: Windows

开发语言: C#

GitLab Extension for Visual Studio HomePageBUG And IssuesThanks 介绍

You can login any of your favorite GitLab servers and start your great job!
The GitLab Extension for Visual Studio provides GitLab integration in Visual
Studio 2015/2017.Most of the extension UI lives in the Team Explorer pane,
which is available from the View menu.

How to set this up:

  1. In GitLab, [top right] go to Settings then Access Tokens (left menu)
  2. Enter a name & expire time (optional).
  3. Check off “api” as the scope.
  4. Click “Create Personal Access Token”. This will appear in a textbox at the TOP of the page.
  5. In Visual Studio, click “Connect” beside GitLab.
  6. Enter your GitLab Username & paste in the Access Token.
  7. Change it to “API v4” instead of “API v4 OAUTH2”.
  8. Also, CHECK OFF the “Two Factor Authentication”.
  9. Save. You’re DONE.

To Add an existing solution to GitLab:

  1. Open the solution Visual Studio
  2. File > Add to Source Control.
  3. In the “Team Explorer” tab, under Local Git Repositories, click the “…” to navigate to your project folder. Then click Add.
  4. At the top, click the dropdown and go to “Sync”. Under Gitlab, click “Publish”. (This creates the repo).
  5. In the dropdown at the top, chooose “Changes” to create an initial commit. Now Commit & Push.

What’s new ?


Visual Studio 2019 support


  1. AddOpen URL from clipboard
  2. Support
  3. fix #35

V1.0.0.143 Fix Visual Studio MPF 15.0 problem

V1.0.0.142 Fix some bugs


Fix HttpUtility.UrlEncode processing username or email causing problems that
cannot be logged in


Now update login mode is OAuth2, which can’t be logon before because the new
version of GitLab’s API session has been discarded.

The two API login methods are supported in the login interface, and the old
version of GitLab needs to be selected manually. The default is that the login
mode is OAuth2 and V4 !


1.You can select GitLab Api version .

V1.0.0.112 1.modify “Open On GitLab” to “GitLab”

  1. fix other!

1.French, Japanese, German and other languages have been added, but these are
Google’s translations, so we need human translation!
2.Open on GitLab move to  submenu! 3.Fixed issue #3,Thanks luky92! 4.The
selected code can create code snippets directly 5.When you create a project,
you can select namespases. 6.GitLab’s Api is updated from V3 to V4

1 GitLab login information associated with the solution, easy to switch GitLab
2 Enter the password and press enter to login GitLab server. 3、Now, We
can login  with two  factor authentication.just enter the personal access
token into the password field.

V V1.0.0.58 Support for Visual Studio 2017 Â Fix bus.

2017-03-08 Â

fix for vs2017

2017-03-04 ÂÂ

1. Â Right click on editor, if repository is hosted on GitLab Server , you
can jump to master/current branch/current revision’s blob page and
blame/commits page. If selecting line(single, range) in editor, jump with line
number fragment.

2. Fix #4 #5 #6

2017-03-04 Â

fix some bug!


BUG And Issues

Visual Studio | Marketplace


GitHub Extension for Visual Studio

CodeCloud Extension for  Visual Studio

Visual Studio Extension for opening filesÂ


GitLab Extension for Visual Studio HomePageBUG And IssuesThanks 官网

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