找不到C ++ CodeBlocks和wxWidgets文件吗?

如何解决找不到C ++ CodeBlocks和wxWidgets文件吗?

我对C :: B很陌生,并且刚刚与构建wxWidgets一起安装了它。我非常确定使用MinGW构建的wxWidgets效果很好,我能够使用wxWidgets中的“ minimal.cpp”示例在C :: B中成功创建wxWidgets项目。但是,现在我不是在创建一个空项目,而是在向导中取消选中“空项目”以创建该程序。使用wxWidgets可以创建2个源文件和2个头文件(对于app和main)。当我尝试进行构建和播放项目时,尽管没有进行任何更改,但出现此错误:

-------------- Build: Debug in MULLSIMPLE (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\wx_pch.h" -o wx_pch.h.gch\Debug_wx_pch_h_gch
g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\MULLSIMPLEApp.cpp" -o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEApp.o
g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__ -DWXUSINGDLL -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall -g -D__WXDEBUG__ -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud" -c "C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C++ Projects\MULLSIMPLE\MULLSIMPLEMain.cpp" -o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEMain.o
windres.exe -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include" -I"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud"  -J rc -O coff -i C:\Users\gmloo\OneDrive\Desktop\C__PRO~1\MULLSI~1\resource.rc -o obj\Debug\resource.res
g++.exe -L"C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll" -o bin\Debug\MULLSIMPLE.exe obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEApp.o obj\Debug\MULLSIMPLEMain.o  obj\Debug\resource.res -mthreads  -lwxmsw30ud_core -lwxbase30ud -lwxpngd -lwxzlibd -mwindows
gcc: error: Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\include: No such file or directory
gcc: error: Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\lib\gcc_dll\mswud: No such file or directory
windres.exe: preprocessing failed.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s),14 second(s))
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s),16 second(s))
3 error(s),0 warning(s) (0 minute(s),16 second(s))

说找不到文件? wxWidgets-3.0.5实际上位于c:\ Program Files / wxWidgets-3.0.5中,因此它的查找位置是否正确?还是我错过了设置步骤?

这绝对是我安装C :: B,安装wxWidgets和创建我的项目所要做的一切

1. Installing CodeBlocks    
    a. Clicked codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe from website,then download started automaticallty from fosshub    
    b. Ran executable to install and for type of install did "All plugins,all tools,just everything"
          -all checkboxes were checked,including
                1. Default Install
                2. Contrib Plugins
                3. C::B CBP2Make
                4. C::B Share Config
                5. C::B Launcher
                6. MinGW Compiler Suite

2. Downloading wxWidgets
    a. Clicked "Windows ZIP" from downloads page on website under "Latest Stable Release: 3.0.5"
    b. Extracted download to c:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5
       -first file asked for administrator permission,i said "dont ask again" and clicked "continue"

3. Added MinGW to path
    a. went into c:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin and copied that path to PATH environment variables

4. Building wxWidgets
    a. opened a terminal with admin privileges and went to c:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5\build\msw.
    b. entered commands as suggested at https://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Compiling_wxWidgets_with_MinGW,except changed
       BUILD=release to BUILD=debug:
        1. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=debug clean
        2. mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=debug
    c. wxWidgets successfully built (3:38 pm to 4:22pm!)

5. Opened CodeBlocks
    a. got message that "After auto-detection,at least one compiler's master path is still empty and therefore invalid.
       Inspect the list below and change the compiler's master path later in the compiler options. Select you favourite
       default compiler here:"
           -There's one compiler listed as detected: GNU GCC Compiler
           -With this compiler highlighted,i clicked "Set as default" and then ok.
    b. got message CodeBlocks is not default app for C/C++ source files.
           -Selected "Yes,associate with C/C++ files"

7. Testing Compiler
    -I wasn't sure what to do about "setting compiler master path..." msg earlier,so I just created a new project with type
    "Console application",compiled the basic "Hello world" application,ran it,ran fine,so I assume compiler is working?

6. Create new wxWidgets program:
    a. Create new project: wxWidgets project
    b. Wizard Steps:
       PAGE 1:
           -Set version: wxWidgets 3.0.x
       PAGE 2:
           -Named project "MULLSIMPLE" and created directory
       PAGE 3:
           -Skipped Author info.
       PAGE 4:
           -Preferred GUI Builder: None
           -Application Type: Frame Based
       PAGE 5:
           -wxWidgets location: C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-3.0.5
           -When I hit next,it opens the global variable editor. I don't know how to use this,so i just hit ok without making any changes. IT asked if i want to save an invalid global var,i said yes. Now the widgets location in the wizard is a path instead of a global variable,I assume this is ok for now
       PAGE 6:
           -By default "Debug" configuration checked,"Release" configuration is unchecked
           -make no changes
       PAGE 7:
           -Under wxWidgets library settings:
               -CHECK Use wxWidgets DLL
               -UNCHECK wxWidgets built as monolithic
               -CHECK enable unicode
           -Under Miscellaneous settings:
               -UNCHECK create empty project
               -CHECK create and use PCH
                   -Leave configuration input field blank
               -UNCHECK Configure Advanced Options
           -On next get dialog re PCH default settings,click YES to accept
       PAGE 8:
           -Didn't select any additional libs to add to project,just hit finish

8. Try Build and run
    -Get the build log error at start of post re: missing files



@ user4581301感谢您的答复,看来这就是问题所在。我将wxWidgets-3.0.5复制到了桌面。然后我打开了编文件中的旧文件,清理了构建,然后删除了该文件夹。然后我使用wxWidgets路径在桌面上创建了一个新的C :: B项目,现在错误消失了。


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