

我想在下面的斜体文本(较大文档的摘录)中用额外的换行符分隔每个段落。我有两种失败的方法。我的第一种方法在第2段的末尾引发了一个异常,但是它成功在每个段落的末尾插入了一个不同的字符,例如“ *”:

Lorem ipsum dolor坐下来,一直保持着良好的状态。 Morbi interdum,digissim胎盘,adiqua mi aliquam metus,非luccus lacus erat等。 Curabitur vitatric ultrices mi。矢状前庭的魁梧的蓬皮。 Nibh sed dictum的Duis pulvinar。 Etiam id lectus是一个dapibus元素。 Morbi ac tristique turpis,在车辆通配。 Morbi et risus ac nisl pulvinar vehicula。
Fusce mattis gravue augue,quis gravida leo scelerisque坐着。 Cras nec rutrum nisl。 sed faucibus semper purus eu commodo。 Etiam mollis est magna,非pretium nulla euismod eu。 Suspendisse ut lectus rut​​rum,暂定的天疱疮,无礼的兽人。 Maecenas congue neque坐在amet leo sagittis,在最大双歧本。紫叶韧带中的Vestibulum ac semper nulla。 Vestibulum vel nunc atmet metus sodales eleifend et eu purus。 quisque dictum ultricies nulla et euismod lectusvestibulum vel。在格拉蒂克黑人中,坐在原产于欧洲的芸苔。 sed ac dioo velit。


set my_file to (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file")

    tell application "Pages"
        set my_doc to open my_file
        tell my_doc to tell the body text
            set last character of every paragraph to "
        end tell
    end tell



set my_file to (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file")

    tell application "Pages"
        set my_doc to open my_file
        tell my_doc to tell the body text
            set (every character where it is the "
    ") to (return & return)
        end tell
    end tell




tell my_doc to tell the body text
  repeat with num from 1 to (count paragraphs) * 2 by 2
    set paragraph num to paragraph num & linefeed
  end repeat
end tell





set my_file to (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file")

tell application "Pages"
    set my_doc to open my_file
    tell my_doc to tell the body text
        set paragraph_list to (every paragraph)
        set number_of_paragraphs to (length of paragraph_list)
        repeat with n from number_of_paragraphs to 1 by -1
            set last character of paragraph n to (last character of paragraph n & linefeed)
        end repeat

    end tell
end tell

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