



此代码块以前运行良好,但是在WordPress 5.5.1更新后,我遇到了这个问题。


 * BLOCK: Noir CTA Block One
 * Registering a basic block with Gutenberg.
 * Simple block,renders and saves the same content without any interactivity.
//  Import CSS.
import './style.scss';
import './editor.scss';
// let's us call registerBlockType() directly from the wp.blocks library
const { registerBlockType  } = wp.blocks;
// let's us use the withAPIData() function from the wp.components library to access the Rest API
const {
    PanelBody,Button,Dashicon,SelectControl,RangeControl,ToggleControl,} = wp.components;
// let's us use the __() function from the wp.i18n library to translate strings
const { __ } = wp.i18n;

const {
    RichText,BlockControls,InspectorControls,AlignmentToolbar,MediaUpload,URLInput,PanelColorSettings,} = wp.blockEditor;

const ctaLayoutOneEdit = (props) => {

    const { isSelected,className,setAttributes } = props;

    const { backgroundImage,heroText,heroTextSize,pText,pTextSize,alignment,url,text,backgroundColor,size,cornerButtonRadius,buttonTarget,bgColor,blockHeight,borderRadTopLeft,borderRadTopRight,borderRadBotRight,borderRadBotLeft,paddingTop,paddingBottom,paddingRight,paddingLeft,marginTop,marginBottom,heroTextColor,pTextColor,btnBgColor,btnTextColor } = props.attributes;

    function onImageSelect(imageObject) {
            // get image full size 
            backgroundImage: imageObject.sizes.full.url

    const buttonSize = [
        { value: 'small',label: __( 'Small','textDomain' ) },{ value: 'normal',label: __( 'Normal','textDomain'  ) },{ value: 'medium',label: __( 'Medium',{ value: 'large',label: __( 'Large',];

    return [
                    value={ alignment }
                    onChange={ ( val ) => {setAttributes( { alignment: val } );} }
            </BlockControls>,isSelected && (
            <InspectorControls key={ 'inspector' }> 
                <PanelBody title={ __( 'Image','textDomain'  ) } initialOpen={ false }>
                            render={({ open }) => (
                                <button className="button button-large" onClick={open}>
                                    {__('Background Image','textDomain') }
                            label={ __( 'Block Height','textDomain'  ) }
                            value={ blockHeight }
                            onChange={ ( val ) => setAttributes( { blockHeight: val } ) }

                <PanelBody title={ __( 'Texts','textDomain'  ) } initialOpen={ false }>

                        label={ __( 'Title','textDomain'  ) }
                        value={ heroTextSize }
                        onChange={ ( val ) => setAttributes( { heroTextSize: val } ) }

                        label={ __( 'Text','textDomain'  ) }
                        value={ pTextSize }
                        onChange={ ( val ) => setAttributes( { pTextSize: val } ) }

                        title={ __( 'Color','textDomain'  ) }
                        initialOpen={ false }
                        colorSettings={ [
                                value: heroTextColor,onChange: ( val ) => setAttributes( { heroTextColor: val } ),label: __( 'Hero Title ','textDomain'   ),},{
                                value: pTextColor,onChange: ( val ) => setAttributes( { pTextColor: val } ),label: __( 'Text ',] } 

                <PanelBody title={__('Button','textDomain' )} initialOpen={ false }>
                        label={__('Open in new window','textDomain' )}
                        onChange={ () => setAttributes({ buttonTarget: !buttonTarget})}

                       label={__('Size','textDomain' )}
                       options={buttonSize.map( ({
                           value,label}) => ({
                               value: value,label: label,} ) ) }
                           onChange={(newSize) => setAttributes({ size: newSize})}
                        label={ __( 'Corner Radius','textDomain'  ) }
                        value={ cornerButtonRadius }
                        onChange={ ( cornerRad ) => setAttributes( { cornerButtonRadius: cornerRad } ) }
                        title={ __( 'Color','textDomain'  ) }
                        initialOpen={ false }
                        colorSettings={ [
                                value: btnTextColor,onChange: ( val ) => setAttributes( { btnTextColor: val } ),label: __( 'Text',{
                                value: btnBgColor,onChange: ( val ) => setAttributes( { btnBgColor: val } ),label: __( 'Background',] } 

                <PanelBody title={__('Settings','textDomain')} initialOpen={false}>
                <PanelBody title={ 'Padding ' }initialOpen={ false }>
                        label= { __('Padding Top','textDomain') }
                        value= { paddingTop }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ paddingTop : val }) }
                        label= { __('Padding Bottom','textDomain') }
                        value= { paddingBottom }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ paddingBottom : val }) }
                        label= { __('Padding Right','textDomain') }
                        value= { paddingRight }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ paddingRight : val }) }
                        label= { __('Padding Left','textDomain') }
                        value= { paddingLeft }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ paddingLeft : val }) }


                    <PanelBody title={ 'Margin' } initialOpen={ false }>
                        label= { __('Margin Top','textDomain') }
                        value= { marginTop }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ marginTop : val }) }
                        label= { __('Margin Bottom','textDomain') }
                        value= { marginBottom }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '50'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ marginBottom : val }) }

                    <PanelBody title={'Border Radius'} initialOpen={ false }>
                        label= { __('Top Left','textDomain') }
                        value= { borderRadTopLeft }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '500'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ borderRadTopLeft : val }) }
                        label= { __('Top Right','textDomain') }
                        value= { borderRadTopRight }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '500'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ borderRadTopRight : val }) }
                        label= { __('Bottom Right','textDomain') }
                        value= { borderRadBotRight }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '500'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ borderRadBotRight : val }) }
                        label= { __('Bottom Left','textDomain') }
                        value= { borderRadBotLeft }
                        min= '0'
                        max= '500'
                        onChange={ (val) => setAttributes({ borderRadBotLeft : val }) }
                        title={ __( 'Background Color','textDomain'  ) }
                        initialOpen={ false }
                        colorSettings={ [
                                value: backgroundColor,onChange: ( val ) => setAttributes( { backgroundColor: val } ),label: __( 'Button Background ',] } 

                ),<section className={ props.className + ` tar-cta cta-layout-one demo-welcome-text-${alignment} block-height-${blockHeight} ctaOneborTopLeft-${borderRadTopLeft} ctaOneborTopRight-${borderRadTopRight} ctaOneborBotRight-${borderRadBotRight} ctaOneborBotLeft-${borderRadBotLeft} ctaOnemarginTop-${marginTop} ctaOnemarginBottom-${marginBottom}`} style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${backgroundImage})`,backgroundColor: `${backgroundColor}`,}}>

                <div className={`ctaOnepaddingTop-${paddingTop} ctaOnepaddingLeft-${paddingLeft} ctaOnepaddingRight-${paddingRight} ctaOnepaddingBottom-${paddingBottom}`}>
                        onChange={(val) => setAttributes({ heroText :val })}
                        className={`title title-size-${heroTextSize}`}
                        style={{ color: heroTextColor  }}

                        onChange={(val) => setAttributes({ pText :val })}
                        className={`text text-size-${pTextSize}`}
                        style={{ color: pTextColor  }}
                <span key={'button'} className={'tar-button'}>
                    placeholder={__('Button Text','textDomain'  )}
                    rel={"noopener noreferrer"} 
                    target={ buttonTarget ? '_blank': '_self'}
                    onChange={(val) => setAttributes({ text :val })}
                    allowedFormats ={ [ 'bold','italic','strikethrough' ] }
                    className={`tar-button tar-button-${size} btn-radius-${cornerButtonRadius}`}
                    style={{ backgroundColor: btnBgColor,color: btnTextColor }}
                        key= {'form-link'}
                        onSubmit={(event) => event.preventDefault()}
                       <Dashicon icon={'admin-links'} />
                        onChange={(changes) => setAttributes({ url: changes })}
                        label={__('Apply','textDomain' )}


const ctaLayoutOneSave = (props) => {

    const { backgroundImage,btnTextColor } = props.attributes;

    const buttonStyle= { backgroundColor: btnBgColor,color: btnTextColor }

    return (
        className={`tar-cta cta-layout-one demo-welcome-text-${alignment} block-height-${blockHeight} ctaOneborTopLeft-${borderRadTopLeft} ctaOneborTopRight-${borderRadTopRight} ctaOneborBotRight-${borderRadBotRight} ctaOneborBotLeft-${borderRadBotLeft} ctaOnemarginTop-${marginTop} ctaOnemarginBottom-${marginBottom}`} style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${backgroundImage})`,}}>

            <div className={`ctaOnepaddingTop-${paddingTop} ctaOnepaddingLeft-${paddingLeft} ctaOnepaddingRight-${paddingRight} ctaOnepaddingBottom-${paddingBottom}`}>
                value={ heroText }
                style={{ color: heroTextColor  }}
                className={`title title-size-${heroTextSize}`}

                value={ pText }
                style={{ color: pTextColor  }}
                className={`text text-size-${pTextSize}`}

            <a target={ buttonTarget ? '_blank' : '_self' } href={url} rel="noopener noreferrer" className={`tar-button tar-button-${size} btn-radius-${cornerButtonRadius}`} style={buttonStyle}>{text}</a>


registerBlockType( 'demo-block-plugin/demo-cta-one',{
    title: __( 'CTA Block One' ),icon: <svg class="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path fill="#2196F3" d="M3.015,4.779h1.164V3.615H3.015V4.779z M18.73,1.869H1.269c-0.322,0-0.582,0.26-0.582,0.582v15.133
         M18.148,16.42c0,0.322-0.261,0.582-0.582,0.582H2.433c-0.322,0-0.582-0.26-0.582-0.582V6.525h16.297V16.42z M18.148,5.361H1.851
        V3.615c0-0.322,0.582-0.582h15.133c0.321,0.582V5.361z M7.671,4.779h1.165V3.615H7.671V4.779z
         M5.344,4.779h1.164V3.615H5.344V4.779z"></path></svg>,description: 'Call To Action Block One',category: 'demo-blocks',keywords: [
        __( 'CTA block one' ),__( 'Call to action block one' ),],supports: {
        align: [ 'center','wide','full'],anchor: true
    },example: {
        attributes: {
            heroText: 'WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE',//mediaOneURL: '/assets/women-cream.jpg',pText: 'lorem ipsum dolor',size: 'normal',styles: [
            name: "ctaOnedefault",label: __("default"),{
            name: "ctaOneOption0",label: __("Transparent"),isDefault: true,{
            name: "ctaOneOption1",label: __("Layout 1")
            name: "ctaOneOption2",label: __("Layout 2")
            name: "ctaOneOption3",label: __("Layout 3")
            name: "ctaOneOption4",label: __("Layout 4")
            name: "ctaOneOption5",label: __("Layout 5")
            name: "ctaOneOption6",label: __("Layout 6")
            name: "ctaOneOption7",label: __("Layout 7")
            name: "ctaOneOption8",label: __("Layout 8")
            name: "ctaOneOption9",label: __("Layout 9")
            name: "ctaOneOption10",label: __("Layout 10")
            name: "ctaOneOption11",label: __("Layout 11")
            name: "ctaOneOption12",label: __("Layout 12")
            name: "ctaOneOption13",label: __("Layout 13")
            name: "ctaOneOption14",label: __("Layout 14")
            name: "ctaOneOption15",label: __("Layout 15")
        },attributes: {
        // Hero image attributes
        backgroundImage: {
            type: 'string',default: null,// no image by default!
        },backgroundColor: {
            type: 'string',blockHeight: {
            type: 'number',default: 80,// Hero Text attributes
        heroText: {
            type: 'string',selector: 'h2',default: 'WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE'
        },heroTextColor: {
            type: 'string',heroTextSize: {
            type: 'number',default: 40,// pText attributes
        pText: {
            type: 'string',selector: 'p',default: 'lorem ipsum dolor'
        },pTextColor: {
            type: 'string',pTextSize: {
            type: 'number',default: 20,// button attributes
        url: {
            type: 'string',source: 'attribute',selector: 'a',attribute: 'href',text: {
            type: 'string',btnBgColor: {
            type: 'string',btnTextColor: {
            type: 'string',size: {
            type: 'string',default: 'normal',cornerButtonRadius: {
            type: 'number',default: 4,buttonTarget: {
            type: 'boolean',default: false
        },//section border radius
        borderRadTopLeft: {
            type: 'number',default: 0,borderRadTopRight: {
            type: 'number',borderRadBotRight: {
            type: 'number',borderRadBotLeft: {
            type: 'number',//padding settings
        paddingTop: {
            type: 'number',paddingBottom: {
            type: 'number',paddingLeft: {
            type: 'number',paddingRight: {
            type: 'number',//margin settings
        marginTop: {
            type: 'number',marginBottom: {
            type: 'number',alignment: {
            type: 'string',default: 'center'
        },// The "edit" property must be a valid function.
    edit: ctaLayoutOneEdit,// The "save" property must be specified and must be a valid function.
    save: ctaLayoutOneSave

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