


internal func setupNodeChain() {
    guard let audioEngine = audioEngine else { return } // Fatal error ?
    let engineInputNode = audioEngine.inputNode
    let bus = 0
    let engineInputNodeFormat = engineInputNode.outputFormat(forBus: bus)
    // This attempts to down sample the audio from the microphone
    let downSampleMixerNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
    let mixerOutputFormat = AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: 8000,channels: 1)
    // Input -> (volume) -> down sample -> (volume) -> Output
    let inputVolumeMixerNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
    inputVolumeMixerNode.volume = Float(10 * microphoneVolume)
    self.downSampleMixerNode = downSampleMixerNode
    self.inputVolumeMixerNode = inputVolumeMixerNode
    let silenceNode = AVAudioMixerNode()
    silenceNode.outputVolume = 0
    self.silenceNode = silenceNode
    audioEngine.connect(engineInputNode,to: inputVolumeMixerNode,format: engineInputNodeFormat)
    audioEngine.connect(inputVolumeMixerNode,to: downSampleMixerNode,format: engineInputNodeFormat)
    // Try and stop the microphone audio from going through to the speaker
    audioEngine.connect(downSampleMixerNode,to: silenceNode,format: mixerOutputFormat)
    audioEngine.connect(silenceNode,to: audioEngine.outputNode,format: mixerOutputFormat)

    downSampleMixerNode.installTap(onBus: bus,bufferSize: 1024 * 16,format: mixerOutputFormat) { (buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer,time: AVAudioTime) in
        guard let tap = self.audioTap else { return }
        // Write buffer to AVAudioFile          
        tap.drip(buffer: buffer,time: time)

大多数情况下,这种方法是可行的,但是我正在研究用AudioKit代替它,但是我遇到了问题,我不知道如何创建一种机制来对从麦克风到录音机的音频进行下采样。 / p>

    AKSettings.enableEchoCancellation = true
    AKSettings.allowAirPlay = true
    AKSettings.useBluetooth = true
    do {
        try AKSettings.setSession(category: .playAndRecord,with: [
        AKSettings.defaultToSpeaker = true
        let audioFile = try self.makeAudioFile(named: "Recording")
        let mixerOutputFormat = AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: 8000,channels: 1)!

        let microphone = AKMicrophone()
        let microphoneBooster = AKBooster(microphone)
        microphoneBooster.gain = 0
        let recorder = try AKNodeRecorder(node: microphoneBooster)
        //recorder.recordFormat = mixerOutputFormat
        let silence = AKMixer(microphoneBooster)
        silence.volume = 0
        self.microphone = microphone
        self.microphoneBooster = microphoneBooster
        self.recorder = recorder
        self.silence = silence
        AKManager.output = silence
        log(debug: "Start")
        try AKManager.start()
        log(debug: "Record")
        try recorder.record()

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.state = .recording
            self.plot?.node = microphone
            self.callButton.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "EndCall"),for: [])
    } catch let error {
        log(error: "Failed to establish play and record session: \(error)")







class TapConverter: NodeTapperDelegate {
    let audioConfig: AudioConfig
    internal var inputFormat: AVAudioFormat?
    internal var converter: AVAudioConverter?
    var onError: ((Error) -> Void)?
    init(audioConfig: AudioConfig) {
        self.audioConfig = audioConfig
    func open(format: AVAudioFormat) throws {
        inputFormat = format
        converter = AVAudioConverter(from: format,to: audioConfig.audioFormat)
    func drip(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer,time: AVAudioTime) {
        guard let converter = converter else {
        guard let inputFormat = inputFormat else {
        let inputBufferSize = inputFormat.sampleRate
        let sampleRateRatio = inputBufferSize / audioConfig.audioFormat.sampleRate
        let capacity = Int(Double(buffer.frameCapacity) / sampleRateRatio)
        let bufferPCM16 = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: audioConfig.audioFormat,frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(capacity))!
        var error: NSError? = nil

        converter.convert(to: bufferPCM16,error: &error) { inNumPackets,outStatus in
            outStatus.pointee = AVAudioConverterInputStatus.haveData
            return buffer
        if let error = error {
            // Handle error in someway
        } else {
            let audioFile = audioConfig.audioFile
            do {
                log(debug: "Write buffer")
                try audioFile.write(from: bufferPCM16)
            } catch let error {
                log(error: "Failed to write buffer to audio file: \(error)")
    func close() {
        converter = nil
        inputFormat = nil
        // ? we close the audio file

AudioConfig 只是一个基本的占位符,它包含已写入(必须已创建)的 audioFile 和目标 AVAudioFormat

struct AudioConfig {
    let url: URL
    let audioFile: AVAudioFile
    let audioFormat: AVAudioFormat


let settings: [String: Any] = [
    AVFormatIDKey: NSNumber(value: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC),AVSampleRateKey: NSNumber(value: 8000),AVNumberOfChannelsKey: NSNumber(value: 1),AVEncoderBitRatePerChannelKey: NSNumber(value: 16),AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: NSNumber(value: AVAudioQuality.min.rawValue)
let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forWriting: sourceURL,settings: settings)

let audioConfig = AudioConfig(url: sourceURL,audioFile: audioFile,audioFormat: audioFormat)


import Foundation
import AudioKit

protocol NodeTapperDelegate: class {
    func open(format: AVAudioFormat) throws
    func drip(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer,time: AVAudioTime)
    func close()

class NodeTapper: NSObject {
    // MARK: - Properties
    // The node we record from
    private(set) var node: AKNode?
    /// True if we are recording.
    @objc private(set) dynamic var isTapping = false
    /// The bus to install the recording tap on. Default is 0.
    private var bus: Int = 0
    /// Used for fixing recordings being truncated
    private var recordBufferDuration: Double = 16_384 / AKSettings.sampleRate
    weak var delegate: NodeTapperDelegate?
    // MARK: - Initialization
    /// Initialize the node recorder
    /// Recording buffer size is defaulted to be AKSettings.bufferLength
    /// You can set a different value by setting an AKSettings.recordingBufferLength
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - node: Node to record from
    ///   - bus: Integer index of the bus to use
    @objc init(node: AKNode? = AKManager.output,bus: Int = 0) throws {
        self.bus = bus
        self.node = node
    // MARK: - Methods
    /// Start recording
    @objc func start() throws {
        if isTapping == true {
        guard let node = node else {
        guard let delegate = delegate else {
        let bufferLength: AVAudioFrameCount = AKSettings.recordingBufferLength.samplesCount
        isTapping = true
        // Note: if you install a tap on a bus that already has a tap it will crash your application.
        let nodeFormat = node.avAudioNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)
        try nodeFormat)

        // note,format should be nil as per the documentation for installTap:
        // "If non-nil,attempts to apply this as the format of the specified output bus. This should
        // only be done when attaching to an output bus which is not connected to another node"
        // In most cases AudioKit nodes will be attached to something else.
        node.avAudioUnitOrNode.installTap(onBus: bus,bufferSize: bufferLength,format: nil,// Might need to the input node's format :/
                                                                            block: process(buffer:time:))
    private func process(buffer: AVAudioPCMBuffer,time: AVAudioTime) {
        guard let sink = delegate else { return }
        sink.drip(buffer: buffer,time: time)
    /// Stop recording
    @objc func stop() {
        if isTapping == false {
        isTapping = false
        if AKSettings.fixTruncatedRecordings {
            //  delay before stopping so the recording is not truncated.
            let delay = UInt32(recordBufferDuration * 1_000_000)
        node?.avAudioUnitOrNode.removeTap(onBus: bus)


let microphone = AKMicrophone()
microphone?.volume = 10 * volume

let monoToStereo = AKStereoFieldLimiter(microphone,amount: 1)
let microphoneMixer = AKMixer(monoToStereo)

// This is where we're converting the audio from
// the microphone and dripping it into the audio file
let converter = TapConverter(audioConfig: audioConfig)
// handleError is basically just a func in this case
converter.onError = handleError
// Here we tap the mixer/node and output to the converter
let tapper = try NodeTapper(node: microphoneMixer)
tapper.delegate = converter

// Silence the output from the microphone,so it's not
// fed back into the microphone
let silence = AKMixer(microphoneMixer)
silence.volume = 0

self.microphoneMixer = microphoneMixer
self.converter = converter
self.tapper = tapper
self.microphone = microphone
self.silence = silence

AKManager.output = silence

log(debug: "Start")
try AKManager.start()

log(debug: "Record")
try tapper.start()


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