


从VSCode在本地托管站点时,它可以响应并运行良好,但是现在它是通过githubpages和goDaddy托管的,因此不会以相同的方式进行响应。它添加了一个垂直滚动条,并且以前相互堆叠的项目不再这样做。当我调整浏览器大小时,实时站点绝对不错,但是在Chrome Dev工具中实际上是在手机上对其进行测试是问题所在。

我尝试将<meta viewport width>更改为我认为是SO解决方案的各种其他选项,并在出现问题的情况下增加了浏览器的交叉兼容性。即

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        <h3 class="focus-in-expand">Hi,I'm James <br> I'm a Web Developer <br> <span id="typedSentence"></span>
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                            <h3 class="mt-0 mt-md-2 mt-lg-5">Recipe Finder</h3>
                            <p class="m-0 m-sm-1 m-md-3 m-lg-4">Web App to find your perfect recipe. Built with React.js</p>
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                            <h3 class="mt-0 mt-md-2 mt-lg-5">Jim's Gym</h3>
                            <p class="m-0 m-sm-1 m-md-3 m-lg-4">Gym landing page built with HTML,CSS and Bootstrap</p>
                                <a href="https://jamesmp88.github.io/gym" target="_blank" class="btn live-site">Live Site</a>
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<section id="about" class="text-center">
    <h1 class="text-center focus-in-expand mb-0 pb-3">About</h1>
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        <p> Hi there,I'm James and I'm a Web Developer living in London,UK.
            Although mainly working with Front-End technologies at the moment,my ultimate goal is to be a
            well-rounded full-stack developer.
            I have a real passion for building good-looking,excellently functioning websites and am more than
            willing to try my hand at just about anything.
            Although I have been an Actor for the last few years I have always had a passion for the tech industry
            and a desire to understand how things worked 'under the hood'. I'm really excited that I'm getting the
            opportunity to explore that now!
            Below are the technologies that I've been using recently to build projects.
    <div class="row about-container mx-auto">
        <div class="tech col-10 col-md-6 mx-auto pb-4">
            <h3 class="pb-2 pb-md-5">Technologies:</h3>
            <img class="tech-img" src="https://jamesmp88.github.io/portfolio/Media/HTML5_Logo.svg" alt="">
            <img class="tech-img" src="https://jamesmp88.github.io/portfolio/Media/css3.svg" alt="">
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            <img class="tech-img" src="https://jamesmp88.github.io/portfolio/Media/react.svg" alt="">
        <div class="mx-auto h-50 col-12 col-md-3 text-center">
            <h3 class="mb-5">Tools</h3>
            <div class="tool p-0 m-3 mx-auto">
                <p class="backlight w-100">Git + Github</p>
            <div class="tool p-0 m-3 mx-auto">
                <p class="backlight">WordPress</p>
            <div class="tool p-0 m-3 mx-auto">
                <p class="backlight">Chrome Dev Tools</p>
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                <p class="backlight">Command Line/GitBash</p>
            <div class="tool p-0 m-3 mx-auto">
                <p class="backlight">NPM</p>
            <div class="tool p-0 m-3 mx-auto">
                <p class="backlight">VS Code</p>

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            <p class="social-text">See my Code</p>
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            <p class="social-text">Follow me</p>
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            <p class="social-text">Link ?</p>
        <a class="social-border mx-4" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" href='mailto:jamesmprice@hotmail.co.uk'>
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            <p class="social-text">Email Me</p>

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/* ABOUT */

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/* Animations*/

/* FOCUS IN */

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    // Set adjective
    const adjective = document.getElementById('adjective');
    const typedSentence = document.getElementById('typedSentence');

    const adjectives = ['Rugby','Coffee','Theatre','Guitars','Travelling','Books','IPA','Biscuits'];

    let currentIndex = 0;
    const intervalLength = 3000;
    let adj;

    const changeSentence = () => {
    typedSentence.innerHTML = '';
    adj = adjectives[(currentIndex++)%adjectives.length];
    let sentence = `I like ${adj}`;
    typedSentence.innerText = sentence;

    // End of Set Adjective





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