


#define MAKE_IT_WORK false
namespace Bob {  // Bob's project namespace
   struct DeviceFrequency {};
   extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);
}  // namespace Bob

namespace SSN {  // Super-Secret Namespace
   namespace debugging {
     extern int  ssn_debug;
     extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);
   }  // namespace debugging
}  // namespace SSN

namespace SSN::signals { // Super-Secret Namespace,project signals
   template<typename Coder> // In the example,this imports Bob's namespace
   class Frequency {
     Frequency( void )
     { using namespace ::SSN::debugging; // Why isn't this enough??
       using ::SSN::debugging::debugf;   // Or this??
       if( ssn_debug )
       #if MAKE_IT_WORK
         ::SSN::debugging::  // How can a developer predict that this is needed??
   }; // class Frequency
}  // namespace SSN::signals

struct Controller {
   SSN::signals::Frequency<Bob::DeviceFrequency> bobcon;
   Controller( void ) : bobcon() {}
}; // class Controller




使用gcc版本10.2.0和10.2.1(Red Hat 10.2.1-5)编译(Dirty.cpp),我收到以下消息:

make dirty 
c++  -o Dirty.o -c S/Dirty.cpp  -D_CC_GCC -D_OS_BSD -D_HW_X86 -D_OS_LINUX -IS -IH -g -O3 -finline->functions -std=gnu++17 -Wall -Wextra -Wmissing-declarations -Wswitch-default -Werror
S/Dirty.cpp: In instantiation of ‘SSN::signals::Frequency<Coder>::Frequency() [with Coder = Bob::DeviceFrequency]’:
S/Dirty.cpp:146:32:   required from here
S/Dirty.cpp:139:12: error: call of overloaded ‘debugf(const char [30],SSN::signals::Frequency<Bob::DeviceFrequency>*,long unsigned int)’ is ambiguous
 139 |      debugf("Frequency(%p,sizeof(*this));
     |      ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
S/Dirty.cpp:124:13: note: candidate: ‘void SSN::debugging::debugf(const char*,...)’
 124 | extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);
     |             ^~~~~~
S/Dirty.cpp:117:13: note: candidate: ‘void Bob::debugf(const char*,...)’
 117 | extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);

(编辑:该示例已还原为原始格式,现在已由@ 1201ProgramAlarm重新格式化。出现一个修改后的版本,可以在下面的部分答案中测试示例。)


对于模板,ADL包括与该模板关联的名称空间和实体 为模板类型参数提供的模板参数的类型。由于对debugf的调用将this作为参数,因此ADL将包含namespace Bob,因为模板是用Bob::DeviceFrequency实例化的。



// Last change: 2020/10/30 11:15 EDT
#define MAKE_IT_WORK true // Modified (Example compiles)
namespace Bob {  // Bob's project namespace
   extern double thing;     // (Added for answer testing)
   struct Bar { int foo; }; // (Added for answer testing)
   struct Foo { int bar; }; // (Added for answer testing)
   extern Foo bar;          // (Added for answer testing)
   struct DeviceFrequency { double f; }; // (Modified: added "double f;")
   extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);
   static inline void function(DeviceFrequency& E)  // (??TRICKY inference??)
     { debugf("default function,E: %f\n",E); }
}  // namespace Bob

namespace SSN {  // Super-Secret Namespace
   namespace debugging {
     extern int  ssn_debug;
     extern void debugf(const char* fmt,...);
   }  // namespace debugging
}  // namespace SSN

namespace SSN::signals { // Super-Secret Namespace,project signals
   template<typename Coder>
   class Frequency {
     // Note: The Function type references the template indirectly,and has
     // no purpose other than to make sure that a <Coder> function handler
     // receives a <Coder&> parameter. ADL doesn't care. It brings in the
     // Coder's namespace looking for functions to override.
     typedef std::function<void(Coder&)> Function; // (Added) Another "gotcha"
     const Function function; // This indirectly references Coder&,thus Bob

     double thing= 543.21;   // (Added) Duplicates name in namespace Bob
     double f= 123.45;       // (Added) Duplicates name in Bob::DeviceFrequency
     Bob::Foo bar{876};      // (Added) Uses Bob namespace
     struct Bar { int foo= 0x0F00; } foo; // (Added) Duplicates a Bob struct name
     struct Derived : public Bob::Foo {}; // (Added) Uses Bob namespace
     Derived secret{{671}};  // (Added) Uses Bob namespace in derived object
     struct Container { int n= 888; Bob::Bar m{999}; }; // (Added) Uses Bob namespace
     Container content;      // (Added) Uses Bob namespace in container object

     // This constructor added to demonstrate indirect template references
     Frequency( const Function& _function ) : function(_function)
     { using namespace ::SSN::debugging; // Without this,Bob::debugf is used
       ::SSN::debugging::    // Disambiguate
       debugf("Frequency::Frequency(Coder: %p,%zd)\n",&_function,sizeof(_function));

       // Drive the function,mostly just to see that it's been coded correctly
       // Note the existence of function(DeviceFrequency& E) in namespace Bob.
       // This *looks* like it might call Bob::function,but it doesn't,// likely because function is an object containing an operator(),a
       // std::function container.
       Coder coder{2468}; function(coder);  // (??TRICKY?? Not ADL ambiguous)
       Coder rodoc{8642}; _function(rodoc); // (??TRICKY?? Not ADL ambiguous)
       Bob::function(coder); // Just to verify it's different

     Frequency( void )       // Default constructor
     { using namespace ::SSN::debugging; // Why isn't this enough??
       using ::SSN::debugging::debugf;  // Or this??
       // Answer: When ADL comes into play,using statements are ignored.
       //         Also,without the first using,Bob::debugf would be used.
       //    (Rationale unclear,but that's the way it is.)
       if( ssn_debug )
         #if MAKE_IT_WORK
           // As explained by @1201ProgramAlarm,it's the 'this' parameter that
           // brought Bob's namespace into play for ADL name resolution.
           //    (Rationale unclear,but that's the way it is.)
           ::SSN::debugging::  // How can a developer predict that this is needed??

       // All remaining lines in Frequency added for detailed testing ============
       const void* const that= this; // Another work-around
       debugf("Frequency(%p,that,sizeof(*this)); // (Works)

       Coder coder{3.14};    // (This is a Bob::DeviceFrequency)
       debugf("Coder.f: %f\n",coder.f); // (No ambiguity)
       Bob::debugf("Coder: %f\n",coder); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***

       debugf("f: %f\n",f); // (No ambiguity)
       debugf("thing: %f\n",thing); // (No ambiguity)
       debugf("Bob::thing: %f\n",Bob::thing); // (No ambiguity)
       debugf("bar.bar: %d\n",bar.bar); // (No ambiguity)
       SSN::debugging::debugf("bar: %d\n",bar); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***
       Bob::debugf("this->bar: %d\n",this->bar); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***
       debugf("foo.foo: 0x%3x\n",foo.foo); // (No ambiguity)
       debugf("this->foo: 0x%3x\n",this->foo); // (No ambiguity)
       debugf("Bob::bar.bar: %d\n",Bob::bar.bar); // (No ambiguity)
       Bob::debugf("Bob::bar: %d\n",Bob::bar); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***
       debugf("secret.bar: %d\n",secret.bar); // (No ambiguity)
       Bob::debugf("secret: %d\n",secret); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***
       debugf("content: %d\n",content); // (No ambiguity)
       Bob::debugf("content.m: %d\n",content.m); // *** AMBIGUOUS debugf ***
       // End of added lines =====================================================
   }; // class Frequency

   template<typename Coder>
   struct Ugly_fix {         // Macros stop ADL lookup,remove usings
      #define debugf ::SSN::debugging::debugf
      #define ssn_debug ::SSN::debugging::ssn_debug

      Ugly_fix( void )       // Default constructor
      {  if( ssn_debug ) debugf("Ugly_fix(%p)::Ugly_fix\n",this);
         debugf("Bob::bar: %d\n",Bob::bar);
         // Bob::debugf("Bob::bar: %d\n",Bob::bar); // Syntax error

      #undef debugf          // Macros (MUST BE) private
      #undef ssn_debug
   }; // struct Ugly_fix

   class Non_template { public:
     Non_template( void )
     { using namespace ::SSN::debugging;
       if( ssn_debug )
   }; // class Non_template
}  // namespace SSN::signals

// Namespace: **NONE**
static struct Handler { // Note: This actually *USES* ADL to find debugf
   void operator()(Bob::DeviceFrequency& E) { debugf("E: %f\n",E); }
}  handler; // struct Handler

struct Controller {
   SSN::signals::Frequency<Bob::DeviceFrequency> bobcon;
   SSN::signals::Frequency<Bob::DeviceFrequency> robcon;
   SSN::signals::Ugly_fix<Bob::DeviceFrequency>  ugly;
   SSN::signals::Non_template non_template;

   // Note that both Frequency constructors are used.
   Controller( void ) : bobcon(),robcon(handler),ugly(),non_template() {}
}; // class Controller

// IMPLEMENTATION ============================================================
namespace SSN {
   int debugging::ssn_debug= true;
   namespace debugging {
     void debugf(const char* fmt,...) {
       printf("SSN: ");      // (For output disambiguation)
       va_list argptr; va_start(argptr,fmt); vprintf(fmt,argptr); va_end(argptr);
     }  // debugf
   }  // namespace debugging
}  // namespace SSN

namespace Bob {
   double thing= 1122.33;    // (Added for answer testing)
   Foo    bar{732};          // (Added for answer testing)
   void debugf(const char* fmt,...) {
     printf("Bob: ");        // (For output disambiguation)
     va_list argptr; va_start(argptr,argptr); va_end(argptr);
   }  // debugf
}  // namespace Bob

// TEST ======================================================================
static inline int            // Number of errors encountered
   test_namespace_glitch( void ) // Test namespace glitch
   int errorCount= 0;        // Number of errors encountered

   Controller controller;    // (Actually drive the constructor)

   if( true ) {
     errorCount++;           // *Why* does 'this' import namespace?
     printf("Still (partially) unexplained\n");

   return errorCount;



  • this用作模板代码内部的(裸)参数。 (感谢@1201ProgramAlarm指出了此“功能”。)很容易意外地做到这一点,但很难弄清它为什么会发生。
  • 引用(不受控制的)命名空间对象(即结构或类)用作函数的参数,无论它是否在模板代码中。这很难做到。
  • 此引用可以是间接引用,例如Frequency(const Function&)构造函数中的引用,因此更容易意外使用。

这可能是(也可能不是)ADL“陷阱”的完整列表。 https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/adl中有很多示例让我头晕目眩,但工作的人通常似乎并不是一旦被ADL咬伤就可能会意外地做这些事情。


我不知道或不了解ADL设计决策背后的基本原理,即忽略使用语句,而将裸 this 参数视为对模板对象的引用。我确定(希望,希望)它们存在。您可能会对安德鲁·科尼格(Andrew Koenig)的简短评论A Personal Note About Argument-Dependent Lookup感兴趣,该评论是在深入探讨cppreference.com中ADL的奥秘时发现的。

为了便于记录,我在投票并接受@1201ProgramAlarm的答案,因为他解释说 this 参数使ADL发挥了作用。当明确寻找它时,我没有找到任何文档说明会发生这种情况。它没有回答我的问题,“如何防止这种情况发生?”没有它,我就无法开始。



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