HKWorkoutRouteBuilder 和 CLLocationManager 仅以增量方式添加路线更新

如何解决HKWorkoutRouteBuilder 和 CLLocationManager 仅以增量方式添加路线更新

我在 watchOS 上有一个功能锻炼应用程序,用于跟踪室内和室外跑步情况。我正在尝试使用 HKWorkoutRouteBuilder 将户外跑步路线添加到 HealthKit。实际户外跑步期间的实际测试仅显示地图上的部分路线更新,如下图所示,为一小部分蓝点;

running route

路由更新来自我在以下课程中设置的 CoreLocation。

class LocationManager: NSObject,CLLocationManagerDelegate {

    public var globalLocationManager: CLLocationManager?
    private var routeBuilder: HKWorkoutRouteBuilder?

    public func setUpLocationManager() {
        globalLocationManager = CLLocationManager()
        globalLocationManager?.delegate = self
        globalLocationManager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest
        // Update every 13.5 meters in order to acheive updates no faster than once every 3sec.
        // This assumes runner is running at no faster than 6min/mile - 3.7min/km
        globalLocationManager?.distanceFilter = 13.5
        // Can use `kCLDistanceFilterNone` ? which will give more updates but still only at wide intervals.

        globalLocationManager?.activityType = .fitness
        from the docs
        ...if your app needs to receive location events while in the background,it must include the UIBackgroundModes key (with the location value) in its Info.plist file.

        routeBuilder = HKWorkoutRouteBuilder(healthStore: healthStore,device: .local())

        globalLocationManager?.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true

    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager,didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
        // Filter the raw data,excluding anything greater than 50m accuracy
        let filteredLocations = locations.filter { isAccurateTo -> Bool in
            isAccurateTo.horizontalAccuracy <= 50

        guard !filteredLocations.isEmpty else { return }

        routeBuilder?.insertRouteData(filteredLocations,completion: { success,error in
            if error != nil {
                // throw alert due to error in saving route.
                print("Error in \(#function) \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error in Route Builder")")

    // Called in class WorkoutController when workout session ends.
    public func addRoute(to workout: HKWorkout) {
        routeBuilder?.finishRoute(with: workout,metadata: nil,completion: { workoutRoute,error in
            if workoutRoute == nil {
                fatalError("error saving workout route")


然后使用 HKAnchoredObjectQuery 将路线添加到 SwiftUI 地图中;

public func getRouteFrom(workout: HKWorkout) {
        let mapDisplayAreaPadding = 1.3

        let runningObjectQuery = HKQuery.predicateForObjects(from: workout)

        let routeQuery = HKAnchoredObjectQuery(type: HKSeriesType.workoutRoute(),predicate: runningObjectQuery,anchor: nil,limit: HKObjectQueryNoLimit) { (query,samples,deletedObjects,anchor,error) in

            guard error == nil else {
                fatalError("The initial query failed.")
            // Make sure you have some route samples
            guard samples!.count > 0 else {
            let route = samples?.first as! HKWorkoutRoute

            // Create the route query from HealthKit.
            let query = HKWorkoutRouteQuery(route: route) { (query,locationsOrNil,done,errorOrNil) in
                // This block may be called multiple times.
                if let error = errorOrNil {
                    print("Error \(error.localizedDescription)")

                guard let locations = locationsOrNil else {
                    fatalError("*** NIL found in locations ***")

                let latitudes = {
                let longitudes = {

                // Outline map region to display
                guard let maxLat = latitudes.max() else { fatalError("Unable to get maxLat") }
                guard let minLat = latitudes.min() else { return }
                guard let maxLong = longitudes.max() else { return }
                guard let minLong = longitudes.min() else { return }

                if done {
                    let mapCenter = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: (minLat + maxLat) / 2,longitude: (minLong + maxLong) / 2)
                    let mapSpan = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: (maxLat - minLat) * mapDisplayAreaPadding,longitudeDelta: (maxLong - minLong) * mapDisplayAreaPadding)

                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        // Push to main thread to drop dots on the map.
                        // Without this a warning will occur.
                        self.region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: mapCenter,span: mapSpan)
                        locations.forEach { (location) in
                            self.overlayRoute(at: location)
                // stop the query by calling:
                // store.stop(query)

        routeQuery.updateHandler = { (query,deleted,error) in
            guard error == nil else {
                // Handle any errors here.
                fatalError("The update failed.")
            // Process updates or additions here.

我无法确定为什么地图注释仅以突发方式显示。我已将 CLLocationManager.distanceFilter 更改为不同的值以及 kCLDistanceFilterNone。对于 CoreLocation 授权,我使用了 whileInUse 和 Always 授权,更新频率没有变化。似乎更新是按时间间隔进行的,而不是经过的距离,但我不能完全确定。让应用在屏幕上和后台都处于活动状态似乎对位置更新没有影响。


以下是要读取的 HealthKit 类型和共享设置代码的类型:

public func setupWorkoutSession() {
        let authorizationStatus = healthStore.authorizationStatus(for: HKWorkoutType.workoutType())
        let typesToShare: Set = [HKQuantityType.workoutType(),HKSeriesType.workoutRoute()]

        let typesToRead: Set = [
            HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate)!,HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .activeEnergyBurned)!,HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .distanceWalkingRunning)!,HKSeriesType.workoutType(),HKSeriesType.workoutRoute()

        if authorizationStatus == .sharingDenied {

        // Request authorization for those quantity types.
        healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: typesToShare,read: typesToRead) { (success,error) in
            if success {
            } else if error != nil {
                // Handle errors.



您已经将 activityType 设置为 .fitness,我相信它提供了最高分辨率,但无论如何 iOS 仍会定期让位置管理器休眠以节省能量。

由于您正在收集您期望的或多或少的恒定运动场景,因此将 pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically 设置为 false 也是一个好主意 - 显式控制 CLManager 的操作随着健身/跑步场景的开始和停止。这会消耗更多电量,但应该会为您提供更一致的更新。


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