

大多数时候我使用 gd 命令,然后我必须在新的终端选项卡中手动浏览文件,因为我仍然需要打开前一个文件。

能够在新选项卡中打开定义只是有点有用,当然,我只是想知道这是否可能以及如何配置它,可能会在 nvim 配置文件中映射一个新命令,任何想法?

这是我映射 gd 命令的方式:

nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)


您不应该在新的终端选项卡中打开,因为这意味着您将启动一个新的 vim 进程实例并启动一个您使用的新语言服务器进程。如果您正在使用其他一些 vim 远程插件,它们将再次加载。

您可以在 coc-settings.json 中设置 const data = `TITLE: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy AUTHOR: Douglas Adams DESCRIPTION: Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway,Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect,a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who,for the last fifteen years,has been posing as an out-of-work actor. TITLE: Dune AUTHOR: Frank Herbert DESCRIPTION: The troubles begin when stewardship of Arrakis is transferred by the Emperor from the Harkonnen Noble House to House Atreides. The Harkonnens don't want to give up their privilege,though,and through sabotage and treachery they cast young Duke Paul Atreides out into the planet's harsh environment to die. There he falls in with the Fremen,a tribe of desert dwellers who become the basis of the army with which he will reclaim what's rightfully his. Paul Atreides,is far more than just a usurped duke. He might be the end product of a very long-term genetic experiment designed to breed a super human; he might be a messiah. His struggle is at the center of a nexus of powerful people and events,and the repercussions will be felt throughout the Imperium. TITLE: A Song Of Ice And Fire Series AUTHOR: George R.R. Martin DESCRIPTION: As the Seven Kingdoms face a generation-long winter,the noble Stark family confronts the poisonous plots of the rival Lannisters,the emergence of the White Walkers,the arrival of barbarian hordes,and other threats.`; console.log(data.split(/(?=TITLE: )/g));,这将在 vim 选项卡中打开。

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