

| 使用Google Translate(使用我在下面采用的方法)时,是否有任何方法可以翻译从用户表单输入生成的内容? 现在,页面将进行翻译,但是当用户填写并在翻译后的页面上提交表格后,答案当然会以英语返回。这是有道理的,因为翻译是在表单提交之前进行的(并且在Google的服务器上进行)。 有什么相对简单的方法可以解决吗?我仍然对JavaScript感到陌生,因此非常感谢您提供的任何详细信息。一想到这,我的小脑袋就会爆炸。
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

    <script type=\"text/javascript\">

   <!-- Begin CE MP Savings Calc script
    function  doMath3() {
        var one = parseInt(document.theForm3.elements[0].value);
        var two = parseInt(document.theForm3.elements[1].value);
        var three = one * two;
        var z4yearlyCash = three * 4.25 * 12;
        var z3yearlyCash = three * 3.75 * 12;
        var z2yearlyCash = three * 3 * 12;
        var z1yearlyCash = three * 2.5 * 12;
        var baseyearlyCash = three * 1.5 * 12;
        var selection = document.getElementsByName(\"zone\")[0].value;
        var answerCemp = document.getElementById(\"answerCemp\");

    if (document.theForm3.elements[0].value == \"\"){
    alert(\"Please enter the number of days a month you commute on Commuter Express.\")   

    if (document.theForm3.elements[1].value == \"\"){
    alert(\"Please enter the number of times you board a Commuter Express daily.\")   
        if(one > 31){
            alert(\"Come now,no month has \" + one + \" days! Please try again.\");

        else if(selection == \"z4\"){
            var prodZ4 = z4yearlyCash - 1680;
        if(prodZ4 > 0){
           answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Yearly Savings<\\/h3><p>If you pay cash,your yearly expense is $\" + z4yearlyCash + \".<br>Commuter Express Zone 4 Monthly Passes cost $1680 per year.<br><strong>That&#39;s a yearly savings of $\"  +  prodZ4  +  \"!<\\/strong><br><strong><a href=\';Store_Code=LTSO&amp;Category_Code=MP4\'>Buy a Commuter Express Zone 4 Monthly Pass now.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";
        else if(prodZ4 <= 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Results<\\/h3><p>Looks like you don\'t ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href=\'#triptickets\'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";

        else if(selection == \"z3\"){
            var prodZ3 = z3yearlyCash - 1488;
            if(prodZ3 > 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Yearly Savings<\\/h3><p>If you pay cash,your yearly expense is $\" + z3yearlyCash + \".<br>Commuter Express Zone 3 Monthly Passes cost $1488 per year.<br><strong>That&#39;s a yearly savings of $\"  +  prodZ3  +  \"!<\\/strong><br><strong><a href=\'\'>Buy A Commuter Express Zone 3 Monthly Pass Now<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";
            else if(prodZ3 <= 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Results<\\/h3><p>Looks like you don\'t ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href=\'#triptickets\'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";

        else if(selection == \"z2\"){
            var prodZ2 = z2yearlyCash - 1200;
            if(prodZ2 > 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Yearly Savings<\\/h3><p>If you pay cash,your yearly expense is $\" + z2yearlyCash + \".<br>Commuter Express Zone 2 Monthly Passes cost $1200 per year.<br><strong>That&#39;s a a yearly savings of $\"  +  prodZ2  +  \"<\\/strong>!<br><strong><a href=\'\'>Buy A Commuter Express Zone 2 Monthly Pass Now<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";
            else if(prodZ2 <= 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Results<\\/h3><p>Looks like you don\'t ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href=\'#triptickets\'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";

        else if(selection == \"z1\"){
            var prodZ1 = z1yearlyCash - 960;
            if(prodZ1 > 0){
             answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Yearly Savings<\\/h3><p>If you pay cash,your yearly expense is $\" + z1yearlyCash + \".<Br>Commuter Express Zone 1 Monthly Passes cost $960 per year.<br><strong>That&#39;s a yearly savings of $\"  +  prodZ1  +  \"<\\/strong>!<br><strong><a href=\'\'>Buy A Commuter Express Zone 1 Monthly Pass Now<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";
            else if(prodZ1 <= 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Results<\\/h3><p>Looks like you don\'t ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href=\'#triptickets\'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";

        else if(selection == \"Base\"){
            var prodBase = baseyearlyCash - 684;
            if(prodBase > 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Yearly Savings<\\/h3><p>If you pay cash,your yearly expense is $\" + baseyearlyCash + \".<br>Commuter Express Base Monthly Passes cost $684 per year.<br><strong>That&#39;s a yearly savings of $\"  +  prodBase  +  \"!<\\/strong><br><strong><a href=\'\'>Buy A Commuter Express Base Monthly Pass Now<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";
            else if(prodBase <= 0){
            answerCemp.innerHTML=\"<div class=\'answerbox\'><h3>Your Results<\\/h3><p>Looks like you don\'t ride Commuter Express often enough to benefit from purchasing a Monthly Pass. Trip Tickets may be a better option for you. <strong><a href=\'#triptickets\'>Try the Trip Tickets Calculator below.<\\/a><\\/strong><\\/p><\\/div>\";

    // End CE MP Savings Calc script -->




<form action=\"javascript:window.location = \';sl=en&amp;tl=\' + document.translateform.translate.value + \'&amp;u=\' + window.location.href;\" method=\"get\" name=\"translateform\">
                    <label for=\"translate\">translate this page</label>
                    <select name=\"translate\" id=\"translate\">
                      <option value=\"es\">Spanish</option>
                      <option value=\"ar\">Arabic</option>
                      <option value=\"zh-CN\">Chinese Simplified</option>
                      <option value=\"zh-TW\">Chinese Traditional</option>
                      <option value=\"nl\">Dutch</option>
                      <option value=\"fr\">French</option>
                      <option value=\"de\">German</option>
                      <option value=\"el\">Greek</option>
                      <option value=\"it\">Italian</option>
                      <option value=\"ja\">Japanese</option>
                      <option value=\"ko\">Korean</option>
                      <option value=\"pt\">Portuguese</option>
                      <option value=\"ru\">Russian</option>
                    <div class=\"gobuttonwrapper\">
                      <input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"go\" class=\"gobutton\">

<div class=\"calcform\">
  <form name=\"theForm3\">
<h2><a name=\"cemp\" id=\"cemp\"></a>You Do the Math: Commuter Express Monthly Pass Vs. Cash</h2>
                        <div class=\"calcform-content\">
                          <div class=\"formrow-calc\">
                            <div class=\"calcform-col1\">
                              <label for=\"trips-cemp\">Daily boardings on Commuter Express Bus*:</label>
                              <input type=\"text\" id=\"trips-cemp\">

                            </div><div class=\"calcform-col3\"></div>
                          <div class=\"formrow-calc\">
                            <div class=\"calcform-col1\">
                              <label for=\"days-cemp\">Days you ride Commuter Express <strong>per month</strong>:</label>

                            <input type=\"text\" id=\"days-cemp\"></div>

                          <div class=\"formrow-calc\">
                            <div class=\"calcform-col1\">
                              <label for=\"choosezone\">Choose Zone:</label>
                              <select name=\"zone\" id=\"choosezone\">
                                <option value=\"Base\">Base</option>
                                <option value=\"z1\">Zone 1</option>
                                <option value=\"z2\">Zone 2</option>
                                <option value=\"z3\">Zone 3</option>
                                <option value=\"z4\">Zone 4</option>

                          <div class=\"clear\"></div>
                          <div align=\"center\">
                            <button type=\"submit\" onclick=\"doMath3(); return false;\" class=\"btn-submit\"><img src=\"img/btn_savings.png\" alt=\"Show My Yearly Savings\"><br>
                            <img src=\"img/arrow_results.png\" alt=\"your results will display below\"></button>

                      <div id=\"answerCemp\"></div>



        如果您自己创建页面,尤其是要翻译页面的各个元素的位置,则可以使用此插件。要填充翻译数据,您可以使用Google翻译获取文本短语的翻译版本。 该插件具有跨页面的语言持久性,允许基于短语和基于正则表达式的匹配,可以处理任意数量的语言选项,并允许您根据所描述的click事件触发更改。 您可以在https://www.orbzu.com上看到它的实时使用情况(在页面的左上方查找标记图标,然后选择一种新的语言以查看页面上的文本自动更改)。     

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