PHP Markdown将内容的最后一块标记为h3

如何解决PHP Markdown将内容的最后一块标记为h3

| 我正在使用PHP Markdown(版本1.0.1n,2009年10月更新)显示以markdown格式保存到数据库的文本。我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,它将每个条目的最后一块标记为H3。但是,当我搜索markdown.php文件时,没有一个H3实例。 这是我数据库中的两段文字:
Since its launch,major CPG brands,endemic as well as non-endemic,have flocked to retail websites to reach consumers deep in the purchase funnel through shopping media. In this session,you will hear about:

- The prioritization of shopping media for CPG brands.

- A case study of brands on on how this retailer (and others) have introduced a new channel for brand marketers to engage consumers where they are making the majority of purchase decisions: online.

- How CPG brands are leveraging real-time data from shopping media to capture consumer insights and market trends.
Beyond the actual money she saves,this consumer is both empowered and psychologically gratified by getting the best value on her everyday purchases. It is essential for both marketers and retailers to focus on what motivates and activates this consumer. 

Diane Oshin will share insights on what influences her shopping behavior and then identify specific tools that activate her to buy.
在这一段中,以戴安娜·奥辛(Diane Oshin)开头的整个段落都标记为H3。 这真是奇怪的事情:当我执行视图源时,它们都被正确标记;只有在使用Inspect Element时,我才能看到H3。但是,在实际显示中很明显,正在应用H3标签: 例子1 例子2 谁能帮我吗? 更新 根据下面的评论,我查找了H标签的实例。我找到了这些功能,但不知道这是否是导致问题的原因。它们是整个文件中唯一似乎正在创建任何类型的标头标记的位置。
function doHeaders($text) {
        # Setext-style headers:
        #     Header 1
        #     ========
        #     Header 2
        #     --------
        $text = preg_replace_callback(\'{ ^(.+?)[ ]*\\n(=+|-+)[ ]*\\n+ }mx\',array(&$this,\'_doHeaders_callback_setext\'),$text);

        # atx-style headers:
        #   # Header 1
        #   ## Header 2
        #   ## Header 2 with closing hashes ##
        #   ...
        #   ###### Header 6
        $text = preg_replace_callback(\'{
                ^(\\#{1,6})  # $1 = string of #\\\'s
                [ ]*
                (.+?)       # $2 = Header text
                [ ]*
                \\#*         # optional closing #\\\'s (not counted)

        return $text;
    function _doHeaders_callback_setext($matches) {
        # Terrible hack to check we haven\'t found an empty list item.
        if ($matches[2] == \'-\' && preg_match(\'{^-(?: |$)}\',$matches[1]))
            return $matches[0];

        $level = $matches[2]{0} == \'=\' ? 1 : 2;
        $block = \"<h$level>\".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[1]).\"</h$level>\";
        return \"\\n\" . $this->hashBlock($block) . \"\\n\\n\";
    function _doHeaders_callback_atx($matches) {
        $level = strlen($matches[1]);
        $block = \"<h$level>\".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[2]).\"</h$level>\";
        return \"\\n\" . $this->hashBlock($block) . \"\\n\\n\";



$testText = \'Since its launch,major CPG brands,endemic as well as non-endemic,have flocked to retail websites to reach consumers deep in the purchase funnel through shopping media. In this session,you will hear about:

- The prioritization of shopping media for CPG brands.

- A case study of brands on on how this retailer (and others) have introduced a new channel for brand marketers to engage consumers where they are making the majority of purchase decisions: online.

- How CPG brands are leveraging real-time data from shopping media to capture consumer insights and market trends.

$resultText = Markdown($testText);

string(649) \"<p>Since its launch,you will hear about:</p>

<li><p>The prioritization of shopping media for CPG brands.</p></li>
<li><p>A case study of brands on on how this retailer (and others) have introduced a new channel for brand marketers to engage consumers where they are making the majority of purchase decisions: online.</p></li>
<li><p>How CPG brands are leveraging real-time data from shopping media to capture consumer insights and market trends.</p></li>
我认为在数据进入降价解析器之前或之后,还有其他篡改数据的行为。但是基于数据,降价解析器不会创建“ 5”标签。你必须看其他地方:(     

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