cocos roadmap

Cocos2d (v.3.0) rendering pipeline roadmap

Why (the vision)

The way currently Cocos2d does rendering is good but it is beginning to feel somehow antiquate and moreover it doesn’t actually leverage modern multi core CPUs so popular nowadays on most modern tablets and mobile phones.

So we want to re design Cocos renderer,for making it more performing,elegant,scalable,flexible but still simple to use and to understand. Also we want to maintain that same familiar API that current Cocos2d users will feel immediately comfortable with,without having to bother about what’s changed or new under the hood.

We will do this maintaining the same key cornerstone concepts Cocos2d users get to know and like as Scenes,Nodes,Layers,Sprites.

What (the goals)

Here is a high level view of the new features and improvements we would like to achieve in Cocos2d v.3.0:

Decouple the scene graph from the renderer

Visiting nodes issues graphics commands and put them on a queue,but doesn’t actually invoke any OpenGL rendering code

Viewing frustum Geometry culling

Sprites (and geometries more in general) not visible from the camera’s point of view be automatically removed from the current frame and not rendered

Rendering on a thread

The execution of all the rendering commands (i.e. OpenGL calls) will be moved to different thread than the main one (this will allow for better parallelism and usage of more than one CPUs cores where possible)

Automatic batching

Efficiently reduces the number of draw calls (automatically) batching them together when possible (i.e. sprites using the same material)

(Node based) Customizable rendering

As in the current version of Cocos,users will still be able (if needed) to customize rendering on a per node basis,calling OpenGL commands directly,disregarding the official renderer (but possibly incurring on worst performances)

How (the plan)

Central to the new design is the notion CommandQueue. While visiting a node,rendering will not call OpenGL commands directly anymore (as currently is the case); it will instead push CocosGraphicsCommands to a queue. Commands In the queue will subsequently be read by the rendering backend,processed as needed and pushed to the actual rendering API (i.e. OpenGL) (see picture)

The rendering backend (running on his own thread) will in turn pop graphics commands from the queue,process them and actually execute them. Any locking or CPU expensive OpenGL commands will be then executed from the back-end thread,letting Cocos’ main thread free continue working on parsing the scene graph or doing other non rendering related tasks. This will help parallelism and will allow for using multi core CPU’s (see picture)

With Cocos2d-x 3.00 we also want to introduce the concept of automatic batching. In fact we believe reducing the number of draw calls and render device state changes will improve drastically rendering speed.

In order to achieve very good batching,we would like to introduce also a new concept of “attributes” for Layers (formally CCLayer). There are going to (at least) 3 new Layer attributes:

  • Unordered

  • Static

  • Batch

Unordered Layer (formally CCLayer)

We want now focus on Unordered Layers,which are going to help achieving auto batching for improving rendering performance.

Rendering order in Cocos2d is dictated by the “order” nodes are arranged in the scene graph (see picture)

This is still going to be true still in V.3.0 unless the Layer is tagged as Unordered.

The Unordered attribute will instruct the Layer to disregard rendering order for all of his children (see picture)

The graphics commands will then be put in the CommandQueue and a special “unordered tag” will be place in the command queue as well for instructing the rendered to disregard the order and re arrange graphics commands so to render all the primitives using the same material in one draw call. Rendering all primitives (that use the same “material”) in one go will make rendering much faster,especially on mobile devices.

Static Layer

Layers tagged as static,will be treated as if all children will not going to be translated/rotated/zoomed (transformed) during the entire lifespan of the layer. This will allow Cocos performing expensive operations as matrices concatenation or computing culling information (i.e. quad-tree) only once (typically before the first rendering pass) improving drastically performance. Note that sprites in a static Layer can still be “animated” as far as they’re not transformed or scaled.

Batch Layer

A batch layers will behave very similarly to how a Batch Node (CCBatchNode) currently works in Cocos2d. All the children of a batch layer will HAVE to use the same “material” thus allowing the front end to combine all the draw calls for that layer in one single one. (Erroneously) Adding children that use a different material to a Batch Layer will trigger an Assert ().

Automatic Culling

To do

Rendering context (RenderBucket,RenderTarget,Camera,viewport)

To do

Rendering and materials system

To do

Customize rendering for nodes

To do

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    本文实践自 RayWenderlich、Ali Hafizji 的文章《How To Create Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture in Cocos2D 2.X》,文中使用Cocos2D,我在这里使用Cocos2D-x 2.1.4进行学习和移植。在这篇文章,将会学习到如何创建实时纹理、如何用Gimp创建无缝拼接纹
Cocos-code-ide使用入门学习地点:杭州滨江邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToad 欢迎转载,转载标注出处:http://blog.csdn.netotbaron/article/details/424343991.  软件准备 下载地址: 2.  简介2.1         引用C
第一次開始用手游引擎挺激动!!!进入正题。下载资源1:从Cocos2D-x官网上下载,进入网页,点击Cocos2d-x以下的Download  v3.0,保存到自定义的文件夹2:从python官网上下载。进入网页,我当前下载的是3.4.0(当前最新
    Cocos2d-x是一款强大的基于OpenGLES的跨平台游戏开发引擎,易学易用,支持多种智能移动平台。官网地址:当前版本:2.0    有很多的学习资料,在这里我只做为自己的笔记记录下来,错误之处还请指出。在VisualStudio2008平台的编译:1.下载当前稳
1.  来源 QuickV3sample项目中的2048样例游戏,以及最近《最强大脑》娱乐节目。将2048改造成一款挑战玩家对数字记忆的小游戏。邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToadAPK下载地址:源码下载地址:
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2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>>cocos2d2.0之后加入了一种九宫格的实现,主要作用是用来拉伸图片,这样的好处在于保留图片四个角不变形的同时,对图片中间部分进行拉伸,来满足一些控件的自适应(PS: 比如包括按钮,对话框,最直观的形象就是ios里的短信气泡了),这就要求图
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