cocos2dx toLua 没有PyYAML的解决办法

What's new

  • Add a prebuilt libclang3.4 inlibclang/for mac,linux and windows.
  • If you want use the prebuilt licbclang3.4 work with Android NDK,thenonly the NDK r9b is can work correntlywith it.


  • python2.7
  • py-yaml
  • cheetah (for target language templates)
  • libclang,from clang 3.3 or later


Usage: [options] {configfile}

  -h,--help   show this help message and exit
  -s SECTION   sets a specific section to be converted
  -t TARGET    specifies the target vm. Will search for TARGET.yaml

Basically,you specify a target vm (spidermonkey is the only current target vm) and the section from the.inifile you want to generate code for.

Run the simple test with prebuilt libclang3.4

Included in this repository is a simple test. Use this to confirm the generator is working and that your environment is set up correctly.


  • The test uses the prebuilt 3.4 libclang,so you should useAndroid NDK r9b.
  • The test uses <string> and <stdint.h> so you need a C++ implementation that provides these
  • Currently,the test script is setup to use the Android NDK's GNU libstdc++

Mac OS X

  • The OSX 10.9 has a built-in python2.7 and if your os don't have python2.7 then useHomebrewto install the python and use pip install the python dependencies.

    brew install python
  • Install python dependices by pip.

    sudo easy_install pip
    sudo pip install PyYAML
    sudo pip install Cheetah
  • Download64bit ndk-r9b-x86_64fromgoogle

  • If you are using python installed from other way,copy user.cfg.sample and rename it asuser.cfgthen set the absolute path to pythonPYTHON_BINinuser.cfg
  • Run follow command,it will generate auserconf.ini,and check the values in it if it occorus any error.
    export NDK_ROOT=/path/to/android-ndk-r9b

Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64bit

  • Install python
    sudo apt-get install python2.7
  • Install python dependices by pip.
    sudo apt-get install python-pip
    sudo pip install PyYAML
    sudo pip install Cheetah
  • Downloadgoogle
  • If you are using python installed from other way,sans-serif"> Windows 7 64bit

    Expected output

    Upon running the test you might see some warnings but should not see any errors.

    The test will create a directory named simple_test_bindings that contains 3 files

    • A .hpp header file for the bindings class
    • A .cpp file implementing the bindings class
    • A .js file that documents how to call (from JavaScript) the methods the C++ class exposes


    The.inifile is a simple text file specifying the settings for the code generator. Here's the default one,used for cocos2d-x

    prefix = cocos2dx
    events  = CCNode#onEnter CCNode#onExit
    extra_arguments = -I../../cocos2dx/include -I../../cocos2dx/platform -I../../cocos2dx/platform/ios -I../../cocos2dx -I../../cocos2dx/kazmath/include -arch i386 -DTARGET_OS_IPHONE -isysroot /Applications/ -x c++
    headers = ../../cocos2dx/include/cocos2d.h
    classes = CCSprite
    functions = my_free_function

    Required sections

    • prefix: the prefix for the project. Must be a valid identifier for the language of the target vm. Most of the time,the name will be intermixed between the class name and the function name,since all generated (probably) will be free functions,we do that in order to avoid name collition. The script will generate ${prefix}.cpp and ${prefix}.hpp as a result.
    • events: a list of identifiers in the form of ClassName#functionName that are events to be called from the native world to the target vm.
    • extra_arguments: extra arguments to pass to the clang interface. Basically you can think of this as the arguments to pass to the "compiler",so add as many as you need here. If you're targetting C++,make sure you add "-x c++" as the last argument to force C++ mode on a ".h" file. Otherwise,name your header files as ".hpp".
    • headers: list of headers to parse. Usually you add a single header that in turn#includes the rest of the files.
    • classes: the classes that will be parsed. Right not is just a string,but it will accept regular expressions
    • functions: space-separated list of free functions to be binded. Same as with classes,it will support regular expressions.
    • skip: a space-separated list ofClasses::functionsor justfunctionsto not generate any code.

    The templates

    The generator is usingCheetah templatesto create a more flexible generator. The way it was thought,is that for every target environment,you should provide with a way to generate the same C/C++ functionality. Every template has access to the proper meta information for the code or generator (function,classes,etc.)

    Right now it's separated in the following set of templates:

    • prelude.c/.h: The header of the generated files.
    • ifunction.c/.h: The template for an instance function
    • ifunction_overloaded.c: The template for the implementation of an overloaded function. An overloaded function is exactly the same as a function,but it has an array of functions sharing the same name. The current implementation for spidermonkey only works if the overloading is with different number of arguments.
    • sfunction.c/.h: The template for a static function
    • sfunction_overloaded.c: The template for an overloaded static function
    • register.c: Here you should add the constructor/finalizer,the registration function (if needed) and the footer of the header file. This is the last chunk being generated

    Templates are stored in thetemplates/${target}directory and follow the naming specified above.

    One final part of the puzzle is the${target}.yamlfile,that contains specific type conversion snippets to be used by the templates. For instance,for spidermonkey,this is the place where we specify the conversion routines for the native types (to and from int,float,string,etc.)


    Currently the generator is leveraging clang in order to get information about the C/C++ code,so we can only get as much information as clang give us. Known list of things that won't work:

    • variable number of arguments. Solution: write a manual wrapper

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    本文实践自 RayWenderlich、Ali Hafizji 的文章《How To Create Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture in Cocos2D 2.X》,文中使用Cocos2D,我在这里使用Cocos2D-x 2.1.4进行学习和移植。在这篇文章,将会学习到如何创建实时纹理、如何用Gimp创建无缝拼接纹
Cocos-code-ide使用入门学习地点:杭州滨江邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToad 欢迎转载,转载标注出处:http://blog.csdn.netotbaron/article/details/424343991.  软件准备 下载地址: 2.  简介2.1         引用C
第一次開始用手游引擎挺激动!!!进入正题。下载资源1:从Cocos2D-x官网上下载,进入网页,点击Cocos2d-x以下的Download  v3.0,保存到自定义的文件夹2:从python官网上下载。进入网页,我当前下载的是3.4.0(当前最新
    Cocos2d-x是一款强大的基于OpenGLES的跨平台游戏开发引擎,易学易用,支持多种智能移动平台。官网地址:当前版本:2.0    有很多的学习资料,在这里我只做为自己的笔记记录下来,错误之处还请指出。在VisualStudio2008平台的编译:1.下载当前稳
1.  来源 QuickV3sample项目中的2048样例游戏,以及最近《最强大脑》娱乐节目。将2048改造成一款挑战玩家对数字记忆的小游戏。邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToadAPK下载地址:源码下载地址:
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2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>>cocos2d2.0之后加入了一种九宫格的实现,主要作用是用来拉伸图片,这样的好处在于保留图片四个角不变形的同时,对图片中间部分进行拉伸,来满足一些控件的自适应(PS: 比如包括按钮,对话框,最直观的形象就是ios里的短信气泡了),这就要求图
原文链接:环境和工具准备Win7VS2010/2012,至于2008v2版本之后似乎就不支持了。 2.安装pythonv.2.0版本之前是用vs模板创建工程的,到vs2.2之后就改用python创建了。到python官网下载版本2.7.5的,然后