Apache Hive and Apache Tez – Memory management and Tuning

Apache Tez is an extensible framework for building high performance batch and interactive data processing applications, coordinated by YARN in Apache Hadoop. Tez improves the MapReduce paradigm by dramatically improving its speed, while maintaining MapReduce’s ability to scale to petabytes of data.

Apache Tez是一个基于Apache Hadoop YARN用于构建高性能批计算和交互式数据处理应用的扩展框架。Tez显著提高MapReduce计算速度的同时也拥有其数据扩展的能力。

YARN considers all the available computing resources on each machine in the cluster. Based on the available resources, YARN negotiates resource requests from applications running in the cluster, such as MapReduce. YARN then provides processing capacity to each application by allocating containers. A container is the basic unit of processing capacity in YARN, and is an encapsulation of resource elements (for example, memory, CPU, and so on).


In a Hadoop cluster, it is important to balance the memory (RAM) usage, processors (CPU cores), and disks so that processing is not constrained by any one of these cluster resources. Generally, allow for 2 containers per disk and per core for the best balance of cluster utilization.


This article is meant to outline the best practices on memory management of application master and container, java heap size and memory allocation of distributed cache.

该文章指明了Application Master、container、java heap size以及分布式缓存内存分配内存管理的最佳实践。

Environment – Apache Hive 1.2.1 and Apache Tez 0.7.0

环境要求:Apache Hive 1.2.1 以及Apache Tez 0.7.0

Keywords – Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Tez, HDFS, YARN, Map Reduce, Application Master, Resource Manager, Node Manager, Cluster, Container, Java Heap, Apache HBase, YARN Scheduler, Distributed Cache, Map Join, Stack Memory, RAM, Disk, Output Sort Buffer

关键字:Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Tez, HDFS, YARN, Map Reduce, Application Master, Resource Manager, Node Manager, Cluster, Container, Java Heap, Apache HBase, YARN Scheduler, Distributed Cache, Map Join, Stack Memory, RAM, Disk, Output Sort Buffer

Few configuration parameters which are important in context of jobs running in the Container are described below -


Calculating YARN and MapReduce Memory Configuration

When determining the appropriate YARN and MapReduce memory configurations for a cluster node, start with the available hardware resources. Specifically, note the following values on each node:


  • RAM (Amount of memory)

  • CORES (Number of CPU cores)

  • DISKS (Number of disks)

The total available RAM for YARN and MapReduce should consider the Reserved Memory. Reserved Memory is the RAM needed by system processes and other Hadoop processes (such as HBase).


Reserved Memory = Reserved for stack memory + Reserved for HBase Memory (If HBase is on the same node).

预留内存 = stack memory预留内存 + Hbase预留内存

Use the following table to determine the Reserved Memory per node.


The total YARN memory on all nodes usually between 75% and 87.5% of RAM.

YARN内存大概占所有节点总内存的75% - 87.5%。

There are two methods used to determine YARN and MapReduce memory configuration settings


  • Running the YARN Utility Script

  • 运行YARN的实用脚本

  • Manually Calculating YARN and MapReduce Memory Configuration Settings

  • 计算YARN和MR的内存配置设置

The HDP utility script is the recommended method for calculating HDP memory configuration settings, but information about manually calculating YARN and MapReduce memory configuration settings is also provided for reference.


Running YARN Utility script

HDP provides a utility script called hdp-configuration-utils.py script to calculate YARN, MapReduce, Hive, and Tez memory allocation settings based on the node hardware specifications.


To run the hdp-configuration-utils.py script, execute the following command from the folder containing the script hdp-configuration-utils.py options where options are as follows:



Running the following command:

python hdp-configuration-utils.py -c 16 -m 64 -d 4 -k True

The output would look like below -

In Ambari, configure the appropriate settings for YARN and MapReduce or in a non-Ambari managed cluster, manually add the first three settings in yarn-site.xml and the rest in mapred-site.xml on all nodes.


Manually Calculating YARN and MapReduce Memory Configuration


In yarn-site.xml, set yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb to the memory that YARN uses:


  1. For systems with 16GB of RAM or less, allocate one-quarter of the total memory for system use and the rest can be used by YARN.


  1. For systems with more than 16GB of RAM, allocate one-eighth of the total memory for system use and the rest can be used by YARN.


yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb is the same as yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb.

yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb 的配置和 yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb一样。

yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb is the total memory of RAM allocated for all the nodes of the cluster for YARN. Based on the number of containers, the minimum YARN memory allocation for a container is yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb. yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb will be a very important setting for Tez Application Master and Container sizes. The total YARN memory on all nodes usually between 75% and 87.5% of RAM as per the above calculation.

yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb是节点分配给YARN的总内存。基于containers的数量,YARN给container分配的最小内存为:yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb。yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb对于Tez Application Master和Container sizes来说非常重要!

Calculation to determine the max number of containers per node

Configuration parameter i.e. tez.am.resource.memory.mb and hive.tez.container.size define Tez application master size and container size respectively.

配置参数,比如 tez.am.resource.memory.mb 和 hive.tez.container.size定义Tez应用master的大小和container的大小。

Set tez.am.resource.memory.mb to be the same as yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb (the YARN minimum container size)


Set hive.tez.container.size to be the same as or a small multiple (1 or 2 times that) of YARN container size yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb but NEVER more than yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb. You want to have headroom for multiple containers to be spun up.


The formula for determining the max number of container allowed per node is


of containers = min (2CORES, 1.8DISKS, (Total available RAM) / MIN_CONTAINER_SIZE)

Here DISKS is the value for dfs.data.dirs (number of data disks) per machine and MIN_CONTAINER_SIZE is the minimum container size (in RAM). This value is dependent on the amount of RAM available. In smaller memory nodes, the minimum container size should also be smaller. The following table outlines the recommended values.


Calculation to determine the amount of RAM per container

The formula for calculating the amount of RAM per container is


RAM per container = max(MIN_CONTAINER_SIZE, (Total Available RAM) / containers))

With these calculations, the YARN and MapReduce configurations can be set.


Note: please refer output section of #running YARN utility script, to get the exact value of these configuration parameter for a cluster having cores=16, memory=64GB and disks=4.

Calculation to determine Java heap memory of Application Master and Container

Configuration parameter tez.am.launch.cmd-opts and hive.tez.java.ops define java heap memory of Application master and Container respectively.

tez.am.launch.cmd-opts和hive.tez.java.ops定义了Application Master和Container的java堆内存大小。该堆内存大小可设置为container大小的80%。

The heap memory size would be 80% of the container sizes, tez.am.resource.memory.mb and hive.tez.container.size respectfully.

Calculation to determine Hive Memory Map Join Settings parameters

A map-side join is a special type of join where a smaller table is loaded in memory (distributed cache) and join is performed in map phase of MapReduce job. Since there is no reducer involved in the map-side join, it is much faster when compared to regular join.

map端join是一种特殊类型的连接,其中较小的表被加载到内存中(分布式缓存),连接在MapReduce作业的map阶段执行。 因为在映射端连接中不涉及reducer,所以它比常规join快得多。

hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size is the configuration parameter to size memory to perform Map Joins.

hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size参数用于设置Map Join的内存大小

By default hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask = true

通常我们设置:hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask = true并且设置hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size为hive.tez.container.size的1/3

Formula to set the size of the map join is 33% of container size.


SET hive.auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask.size to 1/3 of hive.tez.container.size

Calculation to determine the size of the sort buffer

tez.runtime.io.sort.mb is the configuration parameter which defines the size of the soft buffer when output is sorted.

Formula to calculate the soft buffer size is 40% of the container size.

SET tez.runtime.io.sort.mb to be 40% of hive.tez.container.size.

tez.runtime.unordered.output.buffer.size-mb is the memory when the output does not need to be sorted. Its value is 10% of container size

SET tez.runtime.unordered.output.buffer.size-mb to 10% of hive.tez.container.size

A quick summary


(Fig to understand the properties with their calculated values)



Considering a Cluster nodes having 16 CPU cores, 64 GB RAM, and 4 disks.


Reserved Memory = 8 GB reserved for system memory + 8 GB for HBase = 16 GB


If there is no HBase:


of containers = min (216, 1.8* 16, (64-8)/2) = min (32, 28.8, 28) = 28

RAM per container = max (2, (64-8)/28) = max (2, 2) = 2

If HBase is included:


of containers = min (216, 1.8 16, (64-8-8)/2) = min (32, 28.8, 24) = 24

RAM-per-container = max (2, (64-8-8)/24) = max (2, 2) = 2

Note – As container size is multiply of yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb, 2 multiple of yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb (i.e. 2048 * 2 = 4096 MB is the recommended configuration)




The minimum allocation for every container request at the RM is 1024 MB. Memory requests lower than this won’t take effect, and the specified value will get allocated at minimum. The maximum allocation for every container request at the RM is 8192 MB. Memory requests higher than this won’t take effect, and will get capped to this value.

RM上每个容器请求的最小分配是1024 MB。低于这个值的内存请求将不会生效,指定的值将以最小值分配。 RM上每个容器请求的最大分配是8192 MB。高于这个值的内存请求将不会生效,并且会被限制到这个值。

The RM can only allocate memory to containers in increments of yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb and not exceed yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb


If one job is asking for 1030 MB memory per map container (set mapreduce.map.memory.mb=1030), RM will give it one 2048 MB (2*yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb) container because each job will get the memory it asks for rounded up to the next slot size. If the minimum is 4GB and the application asks for 5 GB, it will get 8GB. If we want less rounding, we must make the minimum allocation size smaller.

加如一个任务请求1030MB内存用于map container(set mapreduce.map.memory.mb = 1030),RM会给每个container分配2048MB内存(2*yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb),这是因为每个人物请求的内存会是上述设置值的倍数。当然,假如你设置的最小值为4G,而你请求5G,那么机会分配8G。所以说,为了更合理配置内存,我们建议将最小分配的内存设置为一个较小的值。

The HEAP memory configuration is 80% of container size and its not 100% because the JVM has some off heap overhead that still counts into the memory consumption of the Linux process.



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