select *from urunler where musteri like %ir%; 测试数据: +---musteri---+---ID--+ +-------------+-------+ +---İrem------+---1---+ +---Kadir-----+---2---+ +---Demir-----+---3---+ 返回结果: Kadir Demir 如果使用%rr
Microsoft将此规则用作其复杂性规则之一: Any Unicode character that is categorized as an alphabetic character but is not uppercase or lowercase. This includes Unicode characters from Asian languages. 测试通常的规则,如大写可以像pa
我正在使用c#.net开发一个应用程序,其中我需要如果用户输入的输入包含字符’ – ‘(连字符),那么我想连接连字符( – )的直接邻居,例如,如果用户输入 A-B-C then i want it to be replaced with ABC AB-CD then i want it to be replaced like BC ABC-D-E then i want it to be rep