



It is easy to apply your existing knowledge of Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora to Ubuntu. The key differences between them are covered in this article.

Administrative Tasks

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora by default,each administrative user needs to know the root password,in addition to their own password.

In Ubuntu,each user only has one password. Users in the admin group can run command line and graphical applications with elevated privileges. Graphical admin tools prompt for this password when run,and command line tools can be run with root-privileges using sudo.

Package Management

Ubuntu has more packages available than Fedora,so you'll have a better chance of finding what you want in the repositories. As with Fedora,graphical applications will put a link into the Applications menu.

Graphical Tools

The Synaptic package Manager is an excellent tool for finding,fetching and installing packages. Press System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager to start Synaptic.

Command Line Tools

Ubuntu uses apt-get instead of yum,up2date and so on to find,download,and install packages and their dependencies.

Note that,unlike yum,apt-get is only for packages available in repositories - it cannot handle packages you have already downloaded. The dpkg command is used instead.

Table of Equivalent Commands

Below is a table of equivalent commands for package management on both Ubuntu/Debian and Red Hat/Fedora systems.


Red Hat/Fedora


Adding,Removing and Upgrading Packages

Refresh list of available packages

Yum refreshes each time it's used

apt-get update

Install a package from a repository

yum install package_name

apt-get install package_name

Install a package file

yum install package.rpm
rpm -i package.rpm

dpkg --install package.deb

Remove a package

rpm -e package_name

apt-get remove package_name

Remove a package with configuration files

yum remove package_name

apt-get purge package_name

Check for package upgrades

yum check-update

apt-get -s upgrade
apt-get -s dist-upgrade

Upgrade packages

yum update
rpm -Uvh [args]

apt-get upgrade

Upgrade the entire system

yum upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade

Package Information

Get information about an available package

yum search package_name

apt-cache search package_name

Show available packages

yum list available

apt-cache dumpavail

List all installed packages

yum list installed
rpm -qa

dpkg --list

Get information about a package

yum info package_name

apt-cache show package_name

Get information about an installed package

rpm -qi package_name

dpkg --status package_name

List files in an installed package

rpm -ql package_name

dpkg --listfiles package_name

List documentation files in an installed package

rpm -qd package_name


List configuration files in an installed package

rpm -qc package_name

dpkg-query --show -f '${Conffiles}\n' package_name

Show the packages a given package depends on

rpm -qR package_name

apt-cache depends

Show other packages that depend on a
given package (reverse dependency)

rpm -q --whatrequires [args]

apt-cache rdepends

Package File Information

Get information about a package file

rpm -qpi package.rpm

dpkg --info package.deb

List files in a package file

rpm -qpl package.rpm

dpkg --contents package.deb

List documentation files in a package file

rpm -qpd package.rpm


List configuration files in a package file

rpm -qpc package.rpm


Extract files in a package

rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -vid

dpkg-deb --extract package.deb dir-to-extract-to

Find package that installed a file

rpm -qf filename

dpkg --search filename

Find package that provides a particular file

yum provides filename

apt-file search filename

Misc. Packaging System Tools

Show stats about the package cache


apt-cache stats

Verify all installed packages

rpm -Va


Remove packages from the local cache directory

yum clean packages

apt-get clean

Remove only obsolete packages from the local cache directory


apt-get autoclean

Remove header files from the local cache directory
(forcing a new download of same on next use)

yum clean headers

apt-file purge

General Packaging System Information

Package file extension



Repository location configuration



Some of the information in this table was derived (with permission) from APT and RPM Packager Lookup Tables.

More technical information about Debian-style packaging can be found in Basics of the Debian package management system and the Debian New Maintainers' Guide.


Services on Ubuntu are managed in a broadly similar way to those on Red Hat.

Graphical Tools

Services can be configured by clicking System -> Administration -> Services. A tool called Boot-Up Manager is also available.

Command Line Tools

Below is a table of example commands for managing services. The apache/httpd service is used as an example.


Red Hat / Fedora


(with sysv-rc-conf or sysvconfig)

Starting/stopping services immediately

service httpd start

invoke-rc.d apache start

service apache start

Enabling a service at boot

chkconfig httpd on

update-rc.d apache defaults

sysv-rc-conf apache on

Disabling a service at boot

chkconfig httpd off

update-rc.d apache purge

sysv-rc-conf apache off

Note: Whereas Red Hat and Fedora servers boot into runlevel 3 by default,Ubuntu servers default to runlevel 2.

Note: The service and invoke-rc.d commands call init scripts to do the actual work. You can also start and stop services by doing e.g. /etc/init.d/apachestart on Ubuntu,or /etc/init.d/httpdstart on Red Hat/Fedora.


Graphical Tools

Fedora/RHEL have system-config-network,ubuntu pre 10.04 had gnome-nettool to edit static ip address,since 10.04 nm-connection-editor is the best choice. For Ubuntu 10.04 Studio there is only manual editing of files since NetworkMontor is not included

Command Line Tools

* ubuntu networking for basic and advanced users

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文章浏览阅读6.3k次,点赞5次,收藏15次。在清华镜像中下载Ubuntu 20 安装包_ubuntu20下载
文章浏览阅读5k次。linux环境, python3.7.问题描述: 安装rally, pip3 install -r requirements.txt 时提示如下: 说明openssl 已安装。解决:1. pip3 install --upgrade pip , 结果输出如下 ..._error: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1
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文章浏览阅读4.2k次,点赞4次,收藏17次。要安装这个 standalone的,会有一点区别(不识别 下面的 -localhost no)上面的命令会在~/.vnc/目录下生成一个 passwd文件。具体端口号,可以查看vncserver -list返回结果中的RFB PROT。作用是vncserver启动的时候运行这些命令,把桌面程序启动起来。如果希望用某个用户比如 demo登录,就用su切换到这个用户。桌面版默认就已安装,服务器版需要手动安装,并启动。关闭某个会话可以用下面的命令。远程地址输入ip:port。查看全部的vnc会话。_ubuntu vncserver
文章浏览阅读2.5k次。在ubuntu系统中,swap空间就是虚拟内存,所以考虑在磁盘空间富余的目录下设置虚拟内存swap文件,用来缓解内存不足的问题。通过上面的信息可以看到,/dev/vda2 目录下还剩余45G,那么就可以把swap文件生成在/dev/vda2目录下。在系统监控中发现,当数据库服务程序启动后,占用了大量内存空间,导致系统的剩余的内存往往只有几十MB。# bs 为块的大小,count 创建多少个块。# 执行命令后,删除创建的swap目录即可。#把生成的文件转换成 Swap 文件。2、创建一个swap文件。_ubuntu20修改swap大小
文章浏览阅读2.9k次,点赞2次,收藏10次。记录RV1126的SDK编译错误,以及解决处理_command exited with non-zero status 1
ubuntu系统下安装软件的方法有多种,包括使用apt工具、deb软件包安装、源码编译安装以及通过软件中心安装。还有一种以 .run 后缀的软件包也可以在ubuntu系统下安装。具体的安装方法可以通过百度搜索来获取。
文章浏览阅读2.9k次,点赞74次,收藏73次。对于有长期远程桌面需求的用户,建议将cpolar套餐升级到专业套餐,支持配置固定的公网TCP端口,且带宽也会相应的增大,支持更高效便捷的远程桌面连接Ubuntu系统。【cpolar内网穿透支持http/https/tcp协议,支持永久免费使用,不限制流量,无需公网IP,也不用进入路由器设置,操作简单。隧道创建成功后,点击左侧仪表盘的状态——在线隧道列表,查看xrdp隧道的所生成的公网TCP端口地址,复制下来。,使用cpolar内网穿透映射3389端口,生成公网TCP端口地址,实现在公网环境下,_ubuntu 局域网桌面
文章浏览阅读3.2k次。而在linux的ubuntu版本中,又多出两类用户:安装ubuntu系统的源用户xxx,其与root具有相同权限,仅在执行命令时,前面加sudo。在ubuntu中,用命令deluser username可以直接删除用户账号及家目录,而用centos7中的命令userdel -r username才能达到同样目的。在ubuntu中,没有moduser命令,centos7中的usermod修改用户信息的命令,同样可以用在ubuntu中。在系统中,创建新的用户或称为账号,一般需要多步操作。_ubuntu创建一个新用户
文章浏览阅读1.6w次,点赞4次,收藏23次。系统的许多日志文件都存储在 /var/log 目录中。你可以使用 ls /var/log 命令来列出可用的日志文件。/var/log/Xorg.0.log:包含 X 服务器的日志信息(图形界面)。打开DASH,搜索日志或者log,打开app,这个是/var/log的界面版。这将显示系统日志的末尾,并提供有关系统崩溃和错误的信息。/var/log/kern.log:包含内核日志信息。/var/log/dmesg:包含开机时的日志信息。/var/log/syslog:包含系统日志信息。_ubuntu查看系统日志
文章浏览阅读857次。首先将source.list复制为source.list.bak备份,然后将source.list内容改为需要的镜像源列表即可。Ubuntu采用apt作为软件安装工具,其镜像源列表记录在/etc/apt/source.list文件中。本节均为 Ubuntu 20.04 的镜像源列表。若为其他版本,将所有focal更改为其他版本代号即可。_apt 国内源