postgresql – 错误:在具有32GB RAM且没有交换文件的计算机上内存不足

我在一台32GB ram的机器上运行 postgresql 9.3,交换0.最多可连接200个客户端.盒子上还有另外1个4GB进程.如何解释此错误日志消息?如何防止内存不足错误?允许交换?为机器添加更多内存?允许更少客户端连接?调整设置?


last pid:  6607;  load avg:  3.59,2.32,2.61;       up 16+09:17:29                                                                                                                                                              20:49:51
113 processes: 1 running,111 sleeping,1 uninterruptable
CPU states: 22.5% user,0.0% nice,4.9% system,63.2% idle,9.4% iowait
Memory: 29G used,186M free,7648K buffers,23G cached
DB activity: 2479 tps,1 rollbs/s,217 buffer r/s,99 hit%,11994 row r/s,3820 row w/s  
DB I/O:     0 reads/s,0 KB/s,0 writes/s,0 KB/s  
DB disk: 149.8 GB total,46.7 GB free (68% used)


top - 21:05:09 up 16 days,9:32,2 users,load average: 2.73,2.91,2.88
Tasks: 247 total,3 running,244 sleeping,0 stopped,0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 22.1 us,4.1 sy,0.0 ni,62.9 id,9.8 wa,0.0 hi,0.7 si,0.3 st
KiB Mem:  30827220 total,30642584 used,184636 free,7292 buffers
KiB Swap:        0 total,0 used,0 free. 23449636 cached Mem

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                                                                
 7407 postgres  20   0 7604928  10172   7932 S  29.6  0.0   2:51.27 postgres                                                                                                                                                               
10469 postgres  20   0 7617716 176032 160328 R  11.6  0.6   0:01.48 postgres                                                                                                                                                               
10211 postgres  20   0 7630352 237736 208704 S  10.6  0.8   0:03.64 postgres                                                                                                                                                               
18202 elastic+  20   0 8726984 4.223g   4248 S   9.6 14.4 883:06.79 java                                                                                                                                                                   
 9711 postgres  20   0 7619500 354188 335856 S   7.0  1.1   0:08.03 postgres                                                                                                                                                               
 3638 postgres  20   0 7634552 1.162g 1.127g S   6.6  4.0   0:50.42 postgres


max_connections = 1000                  # (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 7GB                    # min 128kB
work_mem = 40MB                         # min 64kB
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB              # min 1MB
effective_cache_size = 20GB


ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 67108864.
STATEMENT:  SELECT  "package_texts".* FROM "package_texts"  WHERE "package_texts"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1

TopMemoryContext: 798624 total in 83 blocks; 11944 free (21 chunks); 786680 used
  TopTransactionContext: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 7328 free (0 chunks); 864 used
  Prepared Queries: 253952 total in 5 blocks; 136272 free (18 chunks); 117680 used
  Type information cache: 24240 total in 2 blocks; 3744 free (0 chunks); 20496 used
  Operator lookup cache: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 11888 free (5 chunks); 12688 used
  TableSpace cache: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 3216 free (0 chunks); 4976 used
  MessageContext: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 6976 free (0 chunks); 1216 used
  Operator class cache: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1680 free (0 chunks); 6512 used
  smgr relation table: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 5696 free (4 chunks); 18880 used
  TransactionAbortContext: 32768 total in 1 blocks; 32736 free (0 chunks); 32 used
  Portal hash: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1680 free (0 chunks); 6512 used
  PortalMemory: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 7888 free (0 chunks); 304 used
    PortalHeapMemory: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 568 free (0 chunks); 456 used
      ExecutorState: 32928 total in 3 blocks; 15616 free (5 chunks); 17312 used
        printtup: 34002024 total in 2 blocks; 7056 free (7 chunks); 33994968 used
        ExprContext: 0 total in 0 blocks; 0 free (0 chunks); 0 used
        ExprContext: 0 total in 0 blocks; 0 free (0 chunks); 0 used
        ExprContext: 0 total in 0 blocks; 0 free (0 chunks); 0 used
  Relcache by OID: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 12832 free (3 chunks); 11744 used
  CacheMemoryContext: 1372624 total in 24 blocks; 38832 free (0 chunks); 1333792 used
    CachedPlanSource: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 3080 free (1 chunks); 4088 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 2992 free (1 chunks); 4176 used
    CachedPlanSource: 15360 total in 4 blocks; 7128 free (5 chunks); 8232 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 15360 total in 4 blocks; 3320 free (1 chunks); 12040 used
    CachedPlanSource: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 552 free (0 chunks); 2520 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 1592 free (1 chunks); 5576 used
    CachedPlanSource: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 536 free (0 chunks); 2536 used

... 2 Thousand snipped lines of CachedPlans ...

    CachedPlanSource: 15360 total in 4 blocks; 7128 free (5 chunks); 8232 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 15360 total in 4 blocks; 3320 free (1 chunks); 12040 used
    CachedPlanSource: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 3880 free (3 chunks); 3288 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 4032 free (1 chunks); 3136 used
    CachedPlanSource: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 3936 free (3 chunks); 3232 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 4032 free (1 chunks); 3136 used
    CachedPlanSource: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 3080 free (1 chunks); 4088 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 2992 free (1 chunks); 4176 used
    CachedPlanSource: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 3872 free (2 chunks); 3296 used
      CachedPlanQuery: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 4032 free (1 chunks); 3136 used
    pg_toast_17305_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    index_package_raises_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1648 free (1 chunks); 1424 used
    index_package_extensions_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    index_package_mixins_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    index_package_mixins_on_includes_id: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    package_texts_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    index_package_file_objects_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    index_package_symbols_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1136 free (1 chunks); 1936 used
    index_package_symbols_on_full_name: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    index_package_symbols_on_alias_for_id: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    package_symbols_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_toast_17313_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    index_packages_on_natural_key: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    packages_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    index_package_files_on_natural_key: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    package_files_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_toast_2619_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    index_projects_on_user_id: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    index_projects_on_type: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    index_projects_on_name_and_type: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    index_projects_on_claim_ticket: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    ruby_gem_metadata_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_constraint_contypid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_constraint_conrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_attrdef_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_index_indrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_enum_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_class_relname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_foreign_server_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_cast_source_target_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_language_name_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_collation_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_amop_fam_strat_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_index_indexrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_ts_template_tmplname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_ts_config_map_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1784 free (2 chunks); 1288 used
    pg_opclass_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_event_trigger_evtname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_ts_dict_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_event_trigger_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_conversion_default_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1784 free (2 chunks); 1288 used
    pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_enum_typid_label_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_ts_config_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_user_mapping_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1784 free (2 chunks); 1288 used
    pg_foreign_table_relid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_type_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_aggregate_fnoid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_constraint_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_ts_parser_prsname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_ts_config_cfgname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_ts_parser_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_operator_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_namespace_nspname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_ts_template_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_amop_opr_fam_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1784 free (2 chunks); 1288 used
    pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1784 free (2 chunks); 1288 used
    pg_range_rngtypid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_ts_dict_dictname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_type_typname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_opfamily_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_class_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_proc_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_language_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_namespace_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_amproc_fam_proc_index: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1736 free (2 chunks); 1336 used
    pg_foreign_server_name_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 16 free (0 chunks); 1008 used
    pg_conversion_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 200 free (0 chunks); 824 used
    pg_user_mapping_user_server_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_conversion_name_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_authid_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_auth_members_member_role_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_tablespace_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_database_datname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_auth_members_role_member_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 64 free (0 chunks); 960 used
    pg_database_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
    pg_authid_rolname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0 chunks); 872 used
  MdSmgr: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 13984 free (0 chunks); 10592 used
  ident parser context: 0 total in 0 blocks; 0 free (0 chunks); 0 used
  hba parser context: 7168 total in 3 blocks; 304 free (1 chunks); 6864 used
  LOCALLOCK hash: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1680 free (0 chunks); 6512 used
  Timezones: 83472 total in 2 blocks; 3744 free (0 chunks); 79728 used
  ErrorContext: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 8160 free (6 chunks); 32 used

实际错误似乎很好 – 它没有请求大量的内存,因此可能是机器在那时没有内存.


max_connections = 1000                  # (change requires restart)
work_mem = 40MB                         # min 64kB

所以 – 您认为您可以支持1000个并发查询,每个使用10个40MB(有些可能使用40MB的倍数,但让我们合理).所以 – 这表明你的机器有> 500核心,说100GB的RAM.事实并非如此.

所以 – 获取核心数量并加倍 – 这是最大连接数的合理值.这将允许您对每个核心进行一次查询,而另一个正在等待I / O.然后,如果需要(pgbouncer / Java的连接池),请在DB前面放置一个连接池.


哦 – 没有启用交换运行是完全合理的.一旦你开始交换,无论如何在数据库使用方面都处于痛苦的世界.

编辑:扩展work_mem vs shared


正如名称所示,shared_buffers值在后端之间共享. work_mem不仅是每个后端,它实际上是每种类型.所以 – 如果一个查询在三个子查询上进行排序,那么它可能会使用三到四倍的量.

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