Dinamica 20110207 update

  • 07/02/2011: Updatedthe template webapp.zip with correction in getFormValues function (). Updated templates HGRID BLOB and improvements in viewing an image,now drag / drop and more stylish dhtml popup,all cross browser. Only Dynamic Deluxe.

  • 02/02/2011:Updated the Tomcat distros 6 to version 6.0.30 for both Windows and Linux (tested with Ubuntu). These distributions are a powerful web platform that includes JavaMail 1.4.4,JAX-WS 2.2.1 and the latest open source JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL and SQLServer,do not contain any application and comes with support for JSP disabled. They are light and safe.

  • 26/01/2011:New version 2.9.8 of framework.jar,with several corrections and improvements for handling uploads,see the ChangeLog for more information. New version of plugin Dynamics (Deluxe) with corrections in the Export Wizard plugin security.

  • 17/11/2010:New version 2.9.7 of framework.jar,with improved support for Web Services,both the trace of performance is now possible to identify the SOAP operation invoked,and to make responses based on a POJO class Recordsets with 1 single line of code. Deluxe version only.

  • 27/10/2010:New version 2.9.5 of framework.jar,with support for IBM DB2,also includes a correction reports Master / Detail of N levels. New version of the plugin with support for DB2 Dynamics. Deluxe version only.

  • 10/14/2010:New version 2.9.3 of framework.jar,fixes a bug (recently introduced) in dinamica.Controller in the treatment of exceptions,not seen either the StackTrace,also optimizes the output of the image Captcha .

  • 10/11/2010:New version 2.0.7 of BD modeler plugin now comes with 10 self-generators to generate updated modules that use the latest version of the framework and templates,also includes support for more conventions of metadata in models. Documents were updated BD design conventions and Web Services with JAX-WS.

  • 08/10/2010:New version of Dynamics v2.9.2 (Deluxe only) includes adjustments and dinamica.ErrorHandler dinamica.Controller classes to improve error identification,handling of timeouts in the class dinamica.Db (optional) and in StringUtil.httpGet (). See the changelog for details.

  • 10/05/2010:New version of Dynamics v2.9.1 (just Deluxe),singing of the class includes dinamica.AbstractExcelOutput to accelerate the export of an Excel file into the browser,all based Excel reports in this class will benefit from intonation in a transparent manner.

  • 10/01/2010:New version of Dynamics v2.9 includes improved to increase the power declarative validators fields to inject validation messages,and better support to interpret the numeric data types in Oracle. The self-generators also were updated (deluxe version only),including corrected several details in the generator AddNew Master / Detail.

  • 23/09/2010:New version v2.8 Dynamics basically fixes a couple of errors,see the changelog for details.

  • 09/20/2010:New version of plugin modeler BD (Deluxe edition),with dozens of adjustments and corrections as well as new generators for handling BLOBs,including dataentry master / detail with BLOBs. For more details see theChangeLogplugin.

  • 09/14/2010:New version 2.7 of Dynamics (Deluxe),focuses primarily on improvements in speed and also substantial improvements declarative potential generic classes. You refined some webapp template Actions to correct faults or enhance visual performance. Many changes,suggests looking at the ChangeLog for more information.

  • 09/03/2010:New content (Dynamic Deluxe): A guide to generating deliverable documentation for your projects using the tools of dynamics,covering security,database and application.

  • 09/02/2010:New version v2.6 Dynamics. More power declaratory new generic classes for advanced handling BLOBs,including Master / Detail recording them in batch,reports organized in gangs,a development PDFSimpleTable that applies to many more cases,a debugger session in the form of a configurable via Listener web.xml,full leaves traces that can diagnose problems with session attributes,two new templates for BLOBs,Actions improvements in security,etc. See the changelog for details.

  • 24/08/2010:Now available the information on the commercial edition of Dynamics:Dynamic Deluxe

  • 20/08/2010: Updatedall screencasts they had to do with the plugins (HelloWorld,PagedView,CRUDSimple,Reverse Engineering),also updated a series of documents on the templates to reflect the use of new plugins,and The Security Administrator manual to incorporate new commands. New document presenting the dynamics plugins.

  • 16/08/2010: Updatedthe download of plugins for Eclipse with a fix that solved the problem of the tool to run multiple queries separated by ";" against Oracle,transactionally.

  • 12/08/2010:New version v2.3 Dynamics: The framework now supports 4 databases: PostgreSQL,Oracle,SQLServer and MySQL,Security Admin console comes in two versions,one for BDs with sequences and one for BDs with identity fields,improvements at the level of various kinds,new materials for Eclipse and Installation Guide and Quick Start. Plugins totally renewed! Now the free version of BD modeler has all the upgrades except for the Deluxe Edition generators modules,as it includes a courtesy. Documents were updated CRUD Master / Detail to reflect improvements in drivers,and security guidelines.

  • 07/23/2010:Security Layer renovated with support for Oracle 10G and MySQL framework.jar classes were added to address some limitations of MySQL 5.x driver,modified to allow Controller Actions that do not require DB connection,etc. . See the changelog for details. There are also new versions of Tomcat for Windows and Linux (6.0.29).

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