Synopse mORMot framework 领域驱动设计(DDD)框架

程序名称:Synopse mORMot framework


操作系统: Windows

开发语言: Delphi/Pascal

Synopse mORMot framework 介绍

Synopse mORMot framework, 原名Synopse SQLite3 Framework 。是一个Client-Server


  • 表示层 MVC UI生成含有i18n和用于Delphi或Ajax的富客户端报表
  • 应用层 实现了SOA,通过interface-based services(像WCF)和Client-Server ORM - 带有使用JSON的RESTful模型跨多种网络协议(包括HTTP/1.1)
  • 领域模型层 用普通Delphi对象处理所需的业务逻辑,包含高层管理的类型,如dynamic arrays or recods for Value Objects, or dedicated classes for Entities or Aggregaates
  • 数据持久基础层 含有ORM持久,通过直接连接Oracle, MS SQL, OleDB, ODBC, ZEOS/ZDBC,或TDataSet库例如FireDAC/AnyDAC, UniDAC, NexusDB 或 BDE, 使用一个强大的SQLite3核心,按需直接SQL访问 - 神奇的效率及高级功能如Array DML
  • 跨领域基础层 用于处理数据的 过滤和验证,安全性(甚至Windows authentication),缓存,日志,测试(框架使用了测试驱动法,并且包含了stubbing and mocking接口)


The main two features of mORMot are therefore:

  • Client-Server ORM: objects persistence and remote access;
  • Client-Server Services: remote call of high-level data process.

Due to its modular design, switch from such a Client-Server architecture over
HTTP, named pipes or GDI
into a stand-alone application is just a matter of mORMot classes
For instance, the very same executable can even be running stand-alone, as a
server, or a client, depending on some run-time parameters!

Emphasizing simplicity, speed and versatility, mORMot is a incredibly well

Open Source project easy enough to add basic ORM or Client-Server features to
simple applications for hobbyists, or let experienced users develop scaling
and strong service-based projects for their customers, with the advantages of
native code and easy-to-deploy solutions, reducing deployment
cost and increasing ROI.

It provides an Open Source self-sufficient set of units (even Delphi starter
edition is enough) for creating any application, from a stand-alone solution
up to the most complex Domain-

With mORMot , ORM is not used only for data persistence of objects (like in
other implementations), but as part of a global n-Tier, Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA), ready to implement
Domain-Driven solutions.
This really makes the difference.

The business logic of your applications will be easily exposed as Services ,
and will be accessible from light clients (written in Delphi or any other
mean, including AJAX).

The framework Core is non-visual: it provides only a set of classes to be used
from code. But you have also some UI units available (including screen auto-
generation, reporting and ribbon GUI), and you can use it from any RAD or AJAX
clients (via JavaScript or even the newborn Smart

No dependency is needed at the client level (no DB driver, nor third-party
runtime): it is able to connect via standard HTTP, even through a corporate
proxy or a VPN. Rich Delphi clients can be deployed just by copying and
running a stand-alone small executable, with no installation process.
Endpoints are configured automatically for each published interface on the
server side, and creating a load-balancing proxy is a matter of one method
Speed and scalability has been implemented from the ground up: a single server
is able to handle a lot of clients, faster than DataSnap , WCF or
, and our rich SOA architecture is able to
implement both vertical and horizontal scalable

Even if mORMot will be more easily used in a project designed from scratch,
it fits very well the purpose of evolving any existing Delphi
, or even creating the server side part of an AJAX application.

Licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-

Synopse mORMot framework 官网

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