javascript – Jquery在div内的x个单词之后插入html而不使用split


我正在尝试创建一个脚本,它会生成一个html文本,并在计算x个单词后将其放在博客文章中,让我们说它在计算10个单词之后.我能够通过使用正则表达式(拆分)来实现这一点,但正则表达式正在剥离我的帖子的HTML.从理论上讲,它非常简单,但我不知道为什么它在实践中如此复杂.我不能使用段落或任何元素作为引用,它必须仅在文本之后插入html,而不是在代码标记内,例如,我有< script>一些代码< / script>我的博客文本—需要插入的文本 – 它不能计算脚本标签内的内容,它应该只计算纯文本并在其后插入新的html并进行渲染.让我们说它与使用WYSIWG编辑器输入文本和插入图像的逻辑相同.



更新 – 这是我开始在stackoverflow中打开关于这个主题的主题,我将提供链接供参考:

> jquery code not working in site
> jquery calling null element that actually exists
> Jquery use “count” instead of “slice”
> Jquery script operator == not working in website,but works in local
> Is it possible to skip html tags using jquery and split method?
> jquery – Use split to split only text?
> How can I use split but skip html/javascript/php and other inner tags?
> Jquery – Break/Prevent each loop


// a simple utility function to get only the actual words
// from the supplied textNode (though this should work for
// elements also):
function getActualWords(node) {

    // gets the textContent of the node,// splits that string on one-or-more ('+')
    // white-space characters ('\s');
    // filters the array returned by split():
    return node.textContent.split(/\s+/).filter(function (word) {
        // word is the current array-element
        // (a 'word') in the array over
        // which we're iterating using
        // Array.prototype.filter();
        // here if the word,with leading
        // and trailing white-space removed
        // (using String.prototype.trim())
        // has a length greater than 0
        // (a falsey value) the word is kept
        // in the array returned by filter:
        return word.trim().length;

        // note that negative numbers are
        // also truthy,but no string can
        // have a negative length; so the
        // comparison is effectively,if
        // not explicitly 'greater than zero'
        // rather than simply 'not-zero'

// named function to insert the specified
// element after the nth word:
function insertElemAfterNthWord(opts) {

    // defining the defaults for the function
    // (which can be overridden via the opts
    // Object):
    var defaults = {

        // the word after-which to insert the
        // the new element:
        'nth': 5,// the text of the new element:
            'elemText': 'new element',// the type of element (note no '<' or '>'):
            'elemTag': 'div'

    // iterating over the supplied opts Object to update
    // the defaults with the user-supplied options using
    // loop:
    for (var prop in opts) {

        // if the opts Object has a property and
        // that property is not inherited from the
        // prototype chain:
        if (opts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

            // we set the defaults property
            // to the property-value held
            // in the opts Object:
            defaults[prop] = opts[prop];

    // aliasing the defaults object (simply to save
    // typing; this is not essential):
    var d = defaults,// ensuring that the supplied string,// specifying the element-type has no
        // '<' or '>' characters (to ensure validty
        // this should be extended further to
        // ensure only alphabetical characters are kept):
        tag = d.elemTag.replace(/<|>/g,''),// creating the new element:
        elem = document.createElement(tag);

    // setting the textContent of the new element:
    elem.textContent = d.elemText;

    // ensuring that the d.nth variable is
    // a number,not a string,in base-10:
    d.nth = parseInt(d.nth,10);

    // if a node was specified:
    if (d.node) {

        // setting the 'n' variable to hold
        // to the firstChild of the d.node:
        var n = d.node.firstChild,// using the utility function (above)
            // to get an Array of only the actual 
            // words held in the node:
            words = getActualWords(n),// getting the number of words held
            // in the Array of words:
            wordCount = words.length;

        // while (n.nodeType is not a textNode OR
        // d.nth is a greater number than the number
        // of words in the node) AND the node has
        // a following sibling node:
        while ((n.nodeType !== 3 || d.nth > wordCount) && n.nextSibling) {

            // we update n to the next-sibling:
            n = n.nextSibling;

            // we get an array of words from
            // newly-assigned node:
            words = getActualWords(n);

            // we update the wordCount,in
            // order to progress through:
            wordCount = words.length;

        // if the number of words is less than
        // the nth word after which we want to
        // insert the element,we return from
        // the function (doing nothing):
        if (getActualWords(n).length < d.nth) {

        // otherwise:
        } else {

            // again we get an Array of actual words,// we slice that Array and then get the
            // last array-element from that array,// using Array.prototype.pop():
            var w = getActualWords(n).slice(0,d.nth).pop(),// here we get the index of that word
                // (note that this is naive,and relies
                // upon the word being unique as a
                // proof-of-concept; I plan to update later):
                i = n.textContent.indexOf(w);

                // we split the n textNode into
                // two separate textNodes,at
                // supplied index ('i + w.length');
                // n remains the shortened 'first'
                // textNode:
                n.splitText(i + w.length);

            // navigating to the parentNode,and
            // using insertBefore() to insert the
            // new element ('elem') before the
            // next-siblin of the n textNode:

            // doing exactly the same,but adding a
            // newly-created textNode (of a space character)
            // between the 'n' textNode (which by definition
            // ends without a space) and newly-inserted
            // element:
            n.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),n.nextSibling);

            // joining adjacent,but unconnected,// textNodes (n and the newly-inserted
            // space character) together,to become
            // a single node:

            // returning the newly-created element
            // so that it can be modified if required
            // or simply cached:
            return elem;


// calling the function,specifying the
// user-defined properties:
    // after the tenth word:
    'nth': 10,// the element-type (a span):
        'elemTag': 'span',// setting the text of that new element:
        'elemText': 'this is the newly-added text inside the newly-added element!',// specifying the node into which the element
    // should inserted:
        'node': document.querySelector('div > div')

// chaining the function,to use the Element.classList
// API to add the 'newlyAdded' class to the
// newly-created element:
function getActualWords(node) {
  return node.textContent.split(/\s+/).filter(function(word) {
    return word.trim().length;

function insertElemAfterNthWord(opts) {
  var defaults = {
    'nth': 5,'elemText': 'new element','elemTag': 'div'

  for (var prop in opts) {
    if (opts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      defaults[prop] = opts[prop];

  var d = defaults,tag = d.elemTag.replace(/<|>/g,elem = document.createElement(tag);

  elem.textContent = d.elemText;

  d.nth = parseInt(d.nth,10);

  if (d.node) {
    var n = d.node.firstChild,words = getActualWords(n),wordCount = words.length;

    while ((n.nodeType !== 3 || d.nth > wordCount) && n.nextSibling) {

      n = n.nextSibling;
      words = getActualWords(n);
      wordCount = words.length;
    if (getActualWords(n).length < d.nth) {
    } else {
      var w = getActualWords(n).slice(0,i = n.textContent.indexOf(w);
      n.splitText(i + w.length);
      n.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),n.nextSibling);

      return elem;


  'nth': 10,'elemTag': 'span','elemText': 'this is the newly-added text inside the newly-added element!','node': document.querySelector('div > div')
span {
  color: #f90;
div {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
.newlyAdded {
  background-color: #ffa;

JS Fiddle demo.


>它不允许 – 在其当前实现中 – 任何将非文本插入到created元素中的方法(尽管可以通过使用elem.innerHTML代替elem.textContent来允许),但它确实返回create-element到调用上下文,因此它可以被缓存或链接,这允许以某种方式操纵created元素.


> Array.prototype.filter().
> Array.prototype.pop().
> Array.prototype.slice().
> Document.createElement().
> Document.createTextNode().
> Document.querySelector().
> Element.classList
> loop
> Guide to JavaScript Regular Expressions
> Node.firstChild
> Node.insertBefore()
> Node.nextSibling
> Node.nodeType
> Node.normalize()
> Object.hasOwnProperty()
> parseInt()
> String.prototype.indexOf()
> String.prototype.replace()
> String.prototype.split()
> String.prototype.trim().
> Text.splitText()
> while () {...} loop

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