ios7 UIWebView Youtube视频

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,or a library it uses,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextSetBlendMode: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextSetAlpha: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextScaleCTM: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update. 

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0.
This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.

Sep 26 10:17:27 JRR-IPad SVOx[558] <Error>: CGContextGetCTM: invalid context 0x0. This is a serious error. This application,is using an invalid context  and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system stability and reliability. This notice is a courtesy: please fix this problem. It will become a fatal error in an upcoming update.




任何人? TIA.



UIWebView * videoView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];

NSString *strparse = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",youtubeVideoId];
    NSRange rng = [strparse rangeOfString: @"watch?v="];
    strparse = [strparse substringFromIndex:rng.location];
    rng = [strparse rangeOfString:@"&feature="];

    if (rng.length >0)
        strparse = [strparse substringToIndex:rng.location];
    strparse = [strparse stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"watch?v=" withString:@""];
    NSString *youTubeVideoHTML =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>body{margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; background:#1111}</style></head> <body> <div id=\"player\"></div> <script> var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = \"\"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag,firstScriptTag); var player; function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player',{ width:'%0.0f',height:'%0.0f',videoId:'%@',events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady,'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange } });} function onPlayerReady(event) {; } function onPlayerStateChange(event) {if( === 0) {; }}  </script> </body> </html>",0.0,youtubeVideoId];

    videoView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
    videoView.opaque= NO;

    [SharedObj showLoadingWithText:@""];

    [videoView loadHTMLString:youTubeVideoHTML baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"",youtubeVideoId]]];

    [self.view addSubview:videoView];

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当我们远离最新的 iOS 16 更新版本时,我们听到了困扰 Apple 最新软件的错误和性能问题。
欧版/美版 特别说一下,美版选错了 可能会永久丧失4G,不过只有5%的概率会遇到选择运营商界面且部分必须连接到iTunes才可以激活
一般在接外包的时候, 通常第三方需要安装你的app进行测试(这时候你的app肯定是还没传到app store之前)。
前言为了让更多的人永远记住12月13日,各大厂都在这一天将应用变灰了。那么接下来我们看一下Flutter是如何实现的。Flutter中实现整个App变为灰色在Flutter中实现整个App变为灰色是非常简单的,只需要在最外层的控件上包裹ColorFiltered,用法如下:ColorFiltered(颜色过滤器)看名字就知道是增加颜色滤镜效果的,ColorFiltered( colorFilter:ColorFilter.mode(Colors.grey, BlendMode.
(1)在C++11标准时,open函数的文件路径可以传char指针也可以传string指针,而在C++98标准,open函数的文件路径只能传char指针;(2)open函数的第二个参数是打开文件的模式,从函数定义可以看出,如果调用open函数时省略mode模式参数,则默认按照可读可写(ios_base:in | ios_base::out)的方式打开;(3)打开文件时的mode的模式是从内存的角度来定义的,比如:in表示可读,就是从文件读数据往内存读写;out表示可写,就是把内存数据写到文件中;
首先在 iOS 设备中打开开发者模式。位于:设置 - 隐私&安全 - 开发者模式(需重启)
一 现象导入MBProgressHUD显示信息时,出现如下异常现象Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_MBProgressHUD", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ViewController.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64clang: error: linker command failed wit
Profiles >> 加号添加 >> Distribution >> "App Store" >> 选择 2.1 创建的App ID >> 选择绑定 2.3 的发布证书(.cer)>> 输入描述文件名称 >> Generate 生成描述文件 >> Download。Certificates >> 加号添加 >> "App Store and Ad Hoc" >> “Choose File...” >> 选择上一步生成的证书请求文件 >> Continue >> Download。