


下面是我到目前为止编写的代码,我用三个撇号(''')表示我的“伪代码” 进一步说明了我想要它做什么。



Sub Solve()

Dim x As Integer,y As Integer,row As Integer,col As Integer,rw As Integer,cl As Integer,a As Worksheet,puzzle As Range,n As Integer,num As Integer
Dim startcol As Integer,startrow As Integer,check1 As Boolean,check2 As Boolean,check3 As Boolean,r As Integer,c As Integer,x1 As Double,y1 As Double,z As Boolean
Dim fillednums(1 To 9,1 To 9) As String

Set a = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Puzzle")
Set puzzle = a.Range(Cells(4,4),Cells(12,12))

startcol = 4
startrow = 4

For row = startrow To startrow + 8
    For col = startcol To startcol + 8
        If a.Cells(row,col).Value = 0 Then
            For num = 1 To 9
                If Check(col,row,num) = True Then
                a.Cells(row,col).Value = num
                    '''Add cell address to array
                Call Solve
                ElseIf num = 9 And a.Cells(row,col).Value = 0 Then
                    '''Go back one index of the array (fillednums) and use check() function for numbers greater than the one in the cell and up to 9
                    '''If that still doesnt work,go back to cell before this one that was changed and check again (recursively)
                    '''Call Solve() again to try new number
                'a.Cells(row,col).Value = 0
                End If
            Next num
        End If
    Next col
Next row
End Sub 




Function GetNextCell(cc)  ' get next free cell in puzzle
   GetNextCell = Cells(cc.Row,cc.Column+1) ' move next column
   If (GetNextCell.Column = 13) Then  ' go to next row
      GetNextCell = Cells(cc.Row+1,4)
   End If
   If GetNextCell.Row = 13 Then ' off the grid
      GetNextCell = Nothing  ' no more cells
   End If
   If GetNextCell <> Nothing And GetNextCell.Value <> "" Then
      GetNextCell GetNextCell(GetNextCell) ' skip filled cells
   End If    

Function Solve(cc) as Boolean    
    ' we only care about our single cell
    For num = 1 to 9 ' all possible values for this cell
        cc.Value = num
        If Check(cc.column,cc.row,num) Then  ' so far so good
            NextCell = GetNextCell(cc)  ' get next cell for child to process
            if NextCell = Nothing Then  ' no more cells and current values work
                    Solve = True  ' puzzle solved
                    Exit Function
            Else  ' call child with next cell
                If Solve(NextCell) Then  ' did child solve puzzle ?
                    Solve = True  ' puzzle solved
                    Exit Function
                End If
                ' Child could not find solution based on current values
            End If
        End If
  cc.Value = ""    ' No solution found at this point,must revert back to parent to try next value
  Solve = False  ' no solution found    
End Function

Solve(GetNextCell(Cells(4,3)))  ' first empty cell in block,must return true

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